All articles published week beginning  30 November 2020

Year 7

A massive “congratulations” to Year 7 for officially finishing their first year of high school. It is hard to believe that they are heading into Year 8, but it has been very exciting to see them mature throughout the year, form new friendships and become a strong part of The Riverina Anglican College community.  


This week brings to a close our academic year. Presentation Day is looking very different from previous years, and we hope that you are able to virtually attend. We are very excited to acknowledge the achievements of so many students. 


Throughout Week 8, Year 7 are working towards demonstrating gratitude in Homeroom. They have been provided with a Christmas card to write a message to a teacher who has positively impacted their first year at the College. We are aiming to instil a spirit of ‘giving back’ at this time of year in our students. 


We have had such an immense pleasure in getting to know your children throughout the year and are sad that, for many of the cohort, we will no longer be their Head of House. We are very excited to welcome our colleagues next year in their new positions and will be watching your children’s progress over the following years from the sidelines.

Justin Buckley | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 Fox and Stanley House

Lauren Kelly | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 

Browning and Sheppard House 

Elizabeth Passlow | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 

Fox and Stanley House 

Year 8

And so here we are - the final newsletter for 2020 and for our cohort studying Year 8. In a year that many people would rather forget, I can find so many positives and look back on the year with much fondness. In the last week, two particular instances come to mind that typifies the year:


- as I was sitting with the remainder of my Year 8 class whilst Presentation Day rehearsal happened, I looked around at the 6 or 7 students in front of me - all wonderful, kind and valued members of our Year group. I continually feel blessed with the overall calibre and quality of character of those in our Year group. Unfortunately, there are many students who are not receiving an award this year who could have easily deserved similar recognition.


- I was lucky enough to receive some really thoughtful letters from students this week. One of the main changes from Year 7 to Year 8 has been the increase in 'real' conversations that I have been able to have. The amount of honest, emotional and/or confronting conversations that I have had has been nothing short of remarkable. I truly love the bond that I have been able to form with many of the Year group. One line that I regularly use, is that as a child you need at least one trusted adult that you can talk to. I do hope that I can always be that person for your child.


Thank you all for your support again this year and for trusting us to care for your child here at The Riverina Anglican College. I hope you all have a well-deserved break and a Merry Christmas.

Luke Richardson | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 8

Jennifer Jenkins | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - of Year 8

Year 9

We have made it through what can only be described as a very unusual year. The students have shown great resilience and flexibility in their learning and attitudes towards all of the disruption. There have been so many positives that we have celebrated along the way and I think all are looking forward to a well-deserved break. 


Although it is the last week of school, it doesn’t mean that it has slowed down. Congratulations to those who attended the Music camp on the weekend and good luck to those who are attending the cricket competition in Wollongong tomorrow.


Mr Humble has provided a Thank You lunch to those students who assisted with the Year 7 2021 Orientation days and the 2020 Year 9 Student leaders will get to enjoy an afternoon out with Mr Mannion and myself on Thursday.


Presentation of awards will be different this year. It will be held on Friday morning at the College. The names of students who are receiving awards have been placed outside Mr Howard’s office for them to see. Unfortunately, we still aren’t able to have parents on the grounds so it will be only students and staff in attendance.


Thank you to all of you for your support and strength during this unprecedented year. I hope you all have a restful and relaxing break and enjoy your Christmas. I look forward to seeing and working with happy, enthusiastic and mature Year 10 students when we return in the new year.

Emma Smith | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 9

Issac Mannion | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 9

Year 10

The Year 10s have had a great fortnight with the Senior success program. Their behaviour and engagement have been terrific. This week continues with some academic work, workshops, some team-building challenges and some leisure activities.


Please have a happy and safe holiday. 


Below is some information to be mindful of about the Uniform Shop.


The Uniform Shop is now taking bookings for Year 11 2021 students for their senior school uniform requirements.


The Uniform Shop will be open for additional trading over the coming weeks. Please see attached for the additional trading days.


Families are asked to make an appointment with the Uniform Shop through our SOBS online booking system via the following link - https://sobs.com.au/pt/parent.php?schoolid=644 .


An appointment typically takes 20-30mins.


More information can be found on the Uniform Shop page, of the College website.

Meegan Johnson | Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 10

Trevor Dawson | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 10

Year 12

Thank you to the students have already returned their Tathra note.  Please remember this needs to be returned to the College by 22 January 2021.  The College office will re-open on 11 January 2021.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Amall Liakatos | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 12

Kelly Bowen | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - of Year 12