Primary Campus Report

2020 Highlights: Primary Campus


What a year has been in 2020 for our students, families, and staff. Hopefully, a year that will never happen again but also a year that has had many highlights for our school. Throughout remote learning, the partnerships that were formed between our teachers, students and families have been enormous and one of the reasons why we all got through tough times together. We take away many positives and experiences that can be transformed once things get back to normal, or COVID normal anyway. The way parents/guardians took on the responsibility of bread winners, teachers, and your child’s everything was much appreciated by the staff and school. The way students were able to adapt throughout the home learning period is a true testament of the work of you, our parents and the wonderful partnership between home and school. 

A massive thank you to our staff who worked tirelessly to get programs up on Showbie and to support their students within their classroom through Zoom sessions and the many little extra things that they did to go above and beyond not just throughout the home learning period but once we returned. Student success is no accident. As they say, it takes a village to make this happen.


With the announcements of the return to on-site learning came a number of regulations and processes that had an impact on how we delivered our curriculum and the day to day running of our school. Staff and families without fuss adapted to this new COVID normal with new pick up and drop off routines and staggered pick up times. The use of social distancing and mandatory masks across the Primary Campus meant we were able to keep everyone safe and healthy and getting onto the important issues of teaching and learning. A massive thank you to all families who went about changes with little fuss and a can-do attitude. Fingers crossed that 2021 looks a bit different and we can get back into some normal pre-COVID practice.


We would like to thank our 2020 school captains, who adapted to the new way of presenting our school assembles with a smile and a positive attitude.


As we turn towards the end of 2020, we look forward to what 2021 will bring. One of the most exciting changes will be welcoming our first Year 6 cohort to be based on our Primary Campus. 


In 2021, we will be transitioning to the School -Wide Positive Behaviour model (SWPBS) across Prep-6. SWPBS is a framework that brings together school communities to develop a positive, safe and supportive learning environment that maximises individual academic and social growth. More information about SWPBS will be sent out in early 2021.

To our students and parents, thank you for being so flexible during  throughout 2020. It was a year like no other, but your efforts have been greatly appreciated by all staff. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2021.