One of our learning intentions for the OSHC program this term has been health and wellbeing. We have been busy making new artwork to update our health and wellbeing display wall. At OSHC we are ‘bananas’ for healthy food. Check out our amazing artwork and be sure to ‘lettuce’ know if you have any corny fruit and vegetable jokes.
What did the vegetables say at the garden party? - Lettuce turnip the beet
Why do fungi have to pay extra on the bus? – They take up too mushroom
Car Park
Reminder to our parents to drive safely and slowly in the car park. Please stop at the stop sign when entering and drive at 5km's. Please be vigilant of staff and students walking around the car park at all times. There are often teachers that come to school quite early or stay late and there have been near misses in the past.
Thank you for your cooperation.