
Dear Families,
Another busy term has come to an end. We are looking forward to a break and hoping term 4 brings some sunshine!
The cut-off time for QKR orders is 9am each day. Sometimes QKR gets overloaded and has trouble processing orders, so try not to leave it until the last minute! Any cash orders need to be brought down in the class tray by 9.15am. If you have pre-ordered food on QKR and your child is going to be absent, please cancel the order by 9.30am or it will be charged for. (applies to lunch food items, drinks, snacks and ice-creams can be held until the next day) To cancel, ring the front office and ask to be transferred to the canteen. Children arriving late wanting to do cash orders will have limited choices and will not be able to order after 10.30am.
Sports Day
Despite the rain cutting Sports Day a bit short, it was still a fun morning for students and a huge day for the Canteen! We served up over 150 pre-ordered lunches and over 130 team coloured donuts! A big thankyou to the parents who pre-ordered items for themselves prior to the day, as this made our catering much easier.
We would also like to send a huge thankyou to the many parents who gave us their time to help with both setting up beforehand and also assisting on the day. We would not have got all the meals out without your help!
Menu update
Creamy Potato Bake was a popular warming winter dish and is now sold out! Hopefully we will get some better weather next term and would love suggestions for a Summer Special! Please email if you have ideas.
Garlic Bread is still a popular item and so will stay on the menu for term 4.
Some of our regular items are still out of stock (Jellies and some types of chips). We are hopeful they will be back for term 4 but as always, ordering through QKR is the best way to see what’s available.
Our CANTEEN needs YOU!
We really need volunteers to keep the canteen running.
Volunteers enable us to cook our delicious and healthy meals onsite and keep our pricing LOW. Students also love to see their families being involved in the school community. We welcome mums, dads, grandparents, carers etc. No experience is necessary. The canteen supervisor will guide you through the morning with preparation of lunches, bulk cooking or even cleaning - any help is greatly appreciated.
The canteen operates 4 days per week – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our volunteer shifts are from 9.00am until Midday (once lunches have been distributed). It doesn’t need to be every week. Just times that suit your schedule!
A Working with Children Check is required but easily obtained and you also must complete a Volunteer Induction course online and the school will assist you with this. If you are able to give the canteen some of your time, please see Karran or Michelle at the canteen or email
Right Bite
Did you know Para Vista Primary School complies with the Right Bite strategy?
Right Bite is South Australia’s Food and Drink supply strategy which aims to ensure that healthy food and drink choices are available in schools and preschools. For more information visit SA Health | Right Bite.
Karran and Michelle
Canteen phone 8264 9588
New Canteen Menu