
What a busy past few weeks we have had in the preschool!
Some of the highlights have been participating in Sports Day with the school last week. Unfortunately, the weather was not kind to us with showers and then rain. We did manage however, to complete our activities in the lunch shelter. It was lovely to have so many parents and grandparents present and even participating in the parachute activities.
There has been a big focus on rhyming at preschool this past term. We have immersed the children in rhyming activities- singing songs, reading books and playing with rhyming words in our play. The children have particularly enjoyed dressing as animals and doing things with rhyming words. One of our favourite songs has been ‘Down by the Bay’.
Have you ever seen:
A pig wearing a wig eating a fig or doing a jig?
A cat sitting on a mat wearing a hat?
A fox in a box or on a box?
A dog sitting on a log or dancing with a frog?
We have also been super busy practising for our concert item which will be performed to parents on the 3rd November at 6pm. The children are excited to show you their dance moves and gee, can they move and groove. You are all in for a treat! More information about the concert will come home early next term.
Some other learning highlights have been:
-finding DINOSAUR bones in the sandpit, the children have been palaeontologists, they have shown great cooperation as they have worked together to excavate and study the bones.
- doing box construction, making cruise ships and the like. We have some very creative children at preschool, maybe some future engineers.
- going on a Pokemon hunt in the preschool, an activity which was created with the support of one of our preschool children. Thanks Kayla! It was lovely watching the children communicate and work together as they searched for the Pokemon pictures in the preschool yard.
See you for our final very busy term of preschool with many special events including school transition visits and preschool graduation. More details to follow soon.
Have a wonderful holiday!
From the Para Vista Preschool Staff.
Upcoming Events Term 4- Preschool
Week 2
26th October (Wednesday) Preschool Photo Day (Rescheduled)
Week 3
3rd November (Thursday) Concert, begins at 6pm
Week 4
7th November (Monday) Pupil Free Day
Staff will be involved in training, preschool closed.
9th November (Wednesday) CaFHS, Health Checks
Week 10
Wednesday 14th December Preschool Graduation