School Calendar

Friday 2nd September5/6 Excursion "Yong" Lighthouse Theatre
Friday 9th SeptemberDivision Table Tennis (Years 5/6)
Monday 12th SeptemberPupil Free Day 
Wednesday 14th September5/6 Excursion "Fiesta" Warrnambool College
Friday 16th SeptemberSports Fever Day/Sausage Sizzle
Friday 16th SeptemberLast day of Term 3 (2.30pm finish)
Monday 3rd OctoberFirst day of Term 4
Monday 3rd October - Friday 28th OctoberWhole School Swimming Program (Splash Factory)
Friday 7th October Regional Athletics
Friday 14th OctoberDistrict Cricket
Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th OctoberYear 3/4 Roses Gap Camp
Monday 17th - Friday 21st OctoberYear 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp 
Friday 28th OctoberRegional Hot Shots Tennis
Friday 4th NovemberDivision Cricket
Monday 7th NovemberRegional Golf
Tuesday 15th NovemberRegional Cricket