Art Room News

Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,

It was wonderful seeing so many lovely faces in the art room for Science Night. I hope you enjoyed making your grass heads and I can't wait to hear about them growing at home. Remember to water your grass head and give it some sunshine.

Our Prep artists have been working extremely hard on their African Villages and they look AMAZING! A lot of time and effort has gone into their artwork this term and next we are moving onto glazing our bee hives and creating elephants. 

Riley PMH
Ajae PMH
Riley PMH
Ajae PMH


The Grade 1/2 Artists have done an exceptional job on their African drums. Painting, tracing, cutting, gluing and threading have been some of the skills we have used to make these awesome usable pieces of art. Next we will begin our last 2D piece of work relating to the story, Giraffes can't dance by Giless Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees. I am very excited to see how these works of art turn out and we will also glaze our beautiful clay whales.


All Lilydale & Yarra Valley Show poster are to be handed to me (Mrs. Granger) by Monday the 6th of September!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have so many fabulous entries and I can't wait to hand these over for judging. 

Have a fantastic week and KEEP CREATING!

Mrs. Granger