Year 11 Fit To Drive Incursion

Our Year 11 cohort had the privilege of taking part in a powerful half-day interactive incursion led by the Fit To Drive Foundation on Thursday August 18th.


Candy, Zoe & Nellie took our kids through a series of seminar presentations and workshops focused on Road Safety, at a critical time with many driving on their L Plates currently, and soon enough, their P Plates.


The first workshop covered key topics such as Unsafe Driving Behaviours and Driver Distractions, and the first seminar hit them with an array of Young Driver Facts, such as the fact a driver never at a higher risk of being injured or killed than when they are in their first of driving on Red P plates, and that 3 in every 4 young drivers killed are boys.


The most powerful part was the after-lunch seminar, which centred on the true story of the teenage boy in Byron Bay in 2006, who when deciding to overtake another car when speeding, crashed and killed all 4 of his passengers, all of them teenage boys and his close friends Volunteers from our cohort sat in simulated vehicles and played the part of each of the boys in the vehicle, highlighting the devastation that can be caused by one poor decision when behind the wheel.


We thank the Fit To Drive Foundation, as well as Wangaratta Council, who partnered to bring this terrific opportunity to our school. And we hope our Year 11s will take away knowledge and strategies to help keep themselves and others safe on the roads as they soon get their licences. 


Jud Mullins 

Year 11 Coordinator