National Science Week

This week to celebrate National Science Week, I had the pleasure of taking one group of Year 7 students and another group of Year 9 students to visit Coronation Kindergarten. We were able to share our love of science with two inquisitive groups of 4 year old kinder students who explored everyday science through hands on activities. In small groups led by Wangaratta High School students, the Kindergarten students explored magnets; looking at things from the garden under a microscope; electricity with snap circuits; sound by making a straw pan flute; chromatography of textas colours and friction tug-a-wars. Linking in with the Kindergarten's current focus of safety, students also learned about the need for safety equipment such as lab coats and safety goggles while observing and helping mix chemicals to create an Iodine Clock. 

Rheanna Lang

Science Learning Area Leader