Grade 3/4

Grades 3/4


Welcome to Term 3. What an exciting term we have coming up at school. We have a range of opportunities for the students to get involved, have fun and participate in learning activities. We have Athletics Day, Book Week, Hooptime and many more things. 

We are excited for the term ahead. A reminder everyone to follow the school values of respect, responsibility, honesty and optimism. 



This term in Literacy, we will focus on:


  • Using individual book boxes to help students work on their individual reading goals as well as to develop their independence 
  • Learning techniques to support researching factual information such as skimming and scanning
  • Looking at how to research effectively using technology (search engines, trustworthy websites); documenting and comparing information from at least three different sources
  • Unpacking the structure and features of information texts such as the use of diagrams



  • We begin the term by setting a new SMART goal relating to an aspect of the writing process. This can be to do with spelling; editing; use of punctuation; an element of text such as introductions or connectives or a goal relating to genre 
  • In the first few weeks, we will be revising and developing understanding about writing Information texts. This links in with our Inquiry topic for the term: Forces and Motion 
  • We will continue with our SMARTSpelling Program looking at phonemes (specific sounds in words), suffixes, prefixes and etymology (the study of words themselves and word meaning).

How can I help at home?

  • Keep up the daily reading at home
  • Borrow information books about Forces and Motion
  • Draw your child’s attention to current events happening around the world that have been mentioned in the news or newspapers
  • Encourage your child to practice their spelling words regularly.



This term in Mathematics we will focus on:

Number and Algebra

  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions- Comparing and ordering fractions, counting by fractions, identifying equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions.


How can I help at home?

  • Revise your child’s multiplication and division facts regularly to ensure that they are retained. 
  • Remind them about their Mathletics homework.