3-4 S.A.K.G 

It’s been a very productive semester for Year 4 SAKG. We moved garden beds, compost heaps,  adopted more chickens and experimented with new ways to grow vegetables such as zucchini on a stake with success. We would like to thank Coles Woodlea for their generous donation and we look forward to their visit in Term 3 to show off what we have achieved in kitchen and garden so far. 


We ended the term with a healthy treat of different fruit muffins. We learnt about different vitamins in fruit such as Vitamin C in oranges. Students and staff enjoyed tasting the different flavours such as Orange and Poppy Seed, Apple, Banana and Blueberry.


Students have enjoyed sharing about their cooking and gardening experiences below.

Each week we have been making different types of food that uses ingredients harvested in each season. We learnt that teamwork is important because it helps you achieve a lot more goals than working by yourself. Oscar 4D


We made delicious food because of teamwork so we can help each other with measuring and preparing ingredients. Cooking has been so much fun this semester because the food was tasty and we learnt cooking techniques. We learnt about healthy eating food groups and how much of each you should eat per day. For veg you should eat 5 serves per day and fruit 2 serves per day. I am going to miss working with people in my SAKG group. Joseph 4D

We did weeding because weeds are bad for plants. They take up all the nutrients, water and space. After weeding, we mulched to stop the weeds from taking over the garden. Tiffany 4A


In the garden, we moved soil from one garden bed into another so we can reuse the old bed for composting. Today, we tidied the garden and pulled out weeds in preparation for the holidays.

 Logan 4B