
This is an invitation to the Year10 Parent Information session that is being held at the school on June 22nd from 6.30pm. This session will explain the upcoming subject selection process that is so important for your child as well as the new government, initiated school programs that your child will be one of the first to enrol in. It is anticipated that the session will last for an hour, with the chance to ask questions afterwards. I would encourage you to attend but would ask for restricted numbers for each family due to seating availability. If you are unable to attend, could you please let the school know prior to the event. If you need any more information, please contact myself at the school.


All year 10 students will be participating in a career awareness week over the last week of this term to make sure they have all the information they need to make informed subject selection choices. Subject selection interviews for all year 10 students and parents will take place on July 20th at the school.


Dean Malcolm

Careers Leading Teacher