Student Support Team

Breakfast Club

The KHS Community team run a breakfast club every Wednesday and Thursday morning. We offer free cheese toasties and jam on toast. Please come to the canteen Cola between 7.45am and 8.40am. 


These amazing students have been awarded Merits for their ongoing dedication to the school Breakfast Club. They come in every Wednesday and Thursday morning to help out Team KHS. So far this term they have made over 2200 meals for just under a thousand students this term.


Sofia U (Year 8)

Abigail J (Year 8)

Nataya S (Year 8)

Meghan A (Year 10)



We really need your old socks!. So far we have 100 metres which is GREAT - but to go round the school is 850 metres. We have a back up plan if we don't get enough socks but we would really like to have one last push to get socks in. Thank you in advance.


Relationships Australia Programs - Term 2

Youth Mental Health Awareness Event - Roseville Cinema - Wednesday 22 June

This event will bring parents and youth organisations in the North Shore together to discuss youth mental health in an open arena. It will be a place to forget stigma and to form an understanding of the importance of addressing youth mental health in our community.


Organisations attending are: KYDS, Taldumande Youth Services, The Northern Centre, Headspace, SDECC, Streetwork, Harrison Riedel Foundation, Phoenix House, and Mission Australia.


Connecting the Dots is the first feature documentary of its kind to offer a raw and intimate look at youth mental health from a global perspective. Empowering Parents in Crisis (EPIC), funded by Bendigo Community Bank Turramurra & Lindfield, has secured the license for the screening.

EPIC is a community building, peer support organisation for parents/carers of teens in crisis.  Its goal is to provide peer support for parents whose teens are experiencing mental health challenges and/or choosing risky behaviors such as self-harm, eating disorders, and school refusal.  EPIC is aware that parents are better prepared to support their teen when they themselves feel supported.

Phoenix Australia Webinar

Hornsby Waitara Community Hub - Term 3