Argus Community Report

Term 2, 2022

Dear Families, 

We are proud to be reporting our progress into a busy Term 2! It has been jammed packed with new learnings. We would like to thank all of the families who manage to make it to the family information afternoon. It was wonderful to see you all there. 

If you were unable to attend please see your child's mentor teacher if you would like a print out or a digital copy of the presentation.


Upcoming dates to remember:

Week 8 - Thursday 16th June: 1/2 Celebration Session

Week 9- Friday 24th June: Last day of Term 2



In Reading this term, we have been focusing on narratives. We have explored narrative structures, as well as responding to narratives by making predictions, inferences and connections to the text we are reading. We have loved reading a variety of  narrative texts and bringing our knowledge with us to support our writing.



This term students have been learning to write a story, or narrative. They have investigated what the features of a narrative are; such as a beginning where the setting and characters are introduced, a middle, where there is a problem, and an ending where there is a solution to the problem. The students have worked their way through the writing process to plan, draft and edit their writing. Many students are in the process of publishing a chosen piece of writing that they are proud of. 



In Maths, students have been learning about addition and subtraction equations. We have been using a range of addition and subtraction strategies to help us answer the equations. Examples of these strategies include drawing a picture, using a number line and using maths manipulatives such as counters and unifix blocks. Argus students have also been enjoying playing addition and subtraction board games to help them understand how to answer these equations. We have also explored shapes, identifying the sides and corners in 2D shapes.



This term in Inquiry, Students have been learning about Materials and the physical changes that can happen to these everyday objects. We have created a wonder wall, with questions from each student that they would like to discover this term. We will continue experiments that allow us to heat, cool, bend, stretch and twist a range of objects. Some things we have already explored are how balloons change when filled with air, what happens when we apply too much force when bending a popsicle stick and how many times we are able to fold different types of paper. Please ask us about our incursion from week 7, we had such an amazing experience and learned so much about states of matter.


Important notes to remember: 

  • Community doors open at 8:40am
  • Dismissal at 3:10pm
  • Please have some food packed in your child’s lunchbox that will be suitable for fruit or vegetable snack in session 2 (for example, pieces of fruit or yoghurt).
  • Ensure your child’s belongings are clearly labelled. This includes clothing, drink bottles, hats and lunchboxes (lids too) 
  • Students are to come to school with a water bottle each day (labelled)

What you can do with your child at home

  • Continue to read to and with your child each night.  
  • Encourage your child to develop more independence. (Help pack/unpack their school bag/lunch, or get their uniform ready)
  • Encourage your child to take increased responsibility for their own belongings.
  • Establishing a regular routine helps students to develop a positive approach to learning and will benefit them as they progress through their schooling.  
  • Encourage your child to practise tying their own shoelaces.
  • We continue to promote healthy eating at school. We allow students to have a piece of fruit and vegetable break at 10:15am. We try to discourage highly salty, sugary and processed foods. We talk about these foods as ‘occasional’ or ‘sometimes’ food that can be enjoyed on ‘special occasions’ rather than as part of a child’s daily diet. 
  • If you need to speak to your child’s mentor teacher, please contact the office to pass on the message or organise this before or after school.

Kind Regard, 1/2 Argus teaching team

Alex, Emma, Rania and Emily