with Signora Michelle and Signora Steph
with Signora Michelle and Signora Steph
❤️ C I A O, A T U T T I ! ❤️
(Hello, Everyone!)
❤️ B E N V E N U T I, B E C ! ❤️
(Welcome, Bec!)
We are very excited to welcome Rebecca Baldassarri this term as our Grade 1/2 Italian teacher! We are looking forward to teaching Italian together at AHPS, and we have a lot of fun activities coming up!
❤️ I T A L I A N C A P T A I N S ❤️
A big congratulations to Ali and Mia for achieving the roles of...
AHPS Italian Captains 2022!
Our very important Italian Captains will be supporting the Italian Program this year. They will be assisting with the Italian Club each Friday, our upcoming Briscola Tournaments, and much, much more! Remember to say congratulations when you see them, and you can also ask them for support and help with Italian. BRAVISSIMI!
🏆 B R I S C O L A T O U R N A M E N T ! 🏆
On Thursday 19th of May, year 3-6 students had the chance to compete in the very first official AHPS BRISCOLA TOURNAMENT! Twelve students were chosen by luck of the draw via a CARES ticket from a raffle box. Participants had an opportunity to compete with other enthusiastic Italian card players until the highest score won the tournament! The lucky winner received their very own deck of Italian Playing Cards.
Our lucky participants chosen for our very first AHPS Briscola Tournament:
Grace (3/4F) Michelle (3/4G) Delia (3/4E) Zaineb A (3/4F) Ela (3/4E) Subira (3/4B)
Harvin (5/6D) Inkido (5/6C) Gurveer (5/6B) Mazin (5/6B) Prabhleen (5/6B) and Selena (5/6D).
On Thursday, Prabhleen, Inkido and Ela were absent so they were replaced by Navraj (5/6D), Zoha (5/6B) and Eliza (3/4D). Prabhleen, Inkido and Ela will have places in the next tournament.
And the WINNER of our very first AHPS Briscola Tournament is:
Mazin (5/6B)! Bravo!
Participants demonstrated their knowledge of Italian vocabulary by naming each card in Italian as they played. All participants showed excellent team spirit, by cheering each other on and supporting each other. Well done! Mazin was followed very closely by our 2nd place winner Subira (3/4B). The final score was Subira 55 - Mazin 65! Subira will have a guaranteed place in the next tournament.
A special thanks to our Italian Captains Mia and Ali for all of their hard work and support during the tournament.
❤️🏆 C O N G R A T U L A Z I O N I ! 🏆❤️
Our next tournament will be on Thursday the 23rd of June, starting at lunchtime through to 2.30pm, depending on how long each match goes.
Participants will be chosen from the existing entries in the raffle boxes. If you entered already, you still have a chance to participate! Good luck!
We will let you know closer to the date!
*If you are interested in purchasing your own deck of Italian Playing cards, they are sold locally at Santino Continental Grocery store in Lalor, and they are also sold at ‘Cibo’ - the Italian Deli at Craigieburn Central, across from Coles.
❤️🏆 D U O L I N G O 🏆❤️
Don't forget about D U O L I N G O - the free app that can be used on any smartphone, tablet or PC! Duolingo supports learning a language of your choice, through fun writing, speaking and listening games, and with encouraging rewards! It helps to build your Italian vocabulary - but you can also explore your home language, English, or another language of your choice! Learning languages improves your overall literacy skills.
❤️ I T A L I A N C L U B 2022! ❤️
Every Friday lunchtime at 1.40pm, students are invited into the Italian room to enjoy the Italian Community Library (which has a variety of English, Italian and bi-lingual books about Italy and Italian facts, as well as picture books and folktales). There are also Italian videos and cartoons, Italian word games, colouring and writing activities, and of course - Italian Playing Cards and Briscola Tournaments. Come and join in!
Buon Divertimento! (Have fun!)
***A reminder that all students in grades 3-6 are required to have a pencil case to bring to Italian class (as well as a water bottle.) An iPad is also beneficial for use of DuoLingo as an incentive/reward time, and we also look forward to Inquiry activities throughout the year where students will explore and collect information about Italy and Italian culture.
Thank you to students, families and staff for your support.
Grazie Mille, (Many Thanks)
Signora Bec and Signora Michelle