Specialist News

Physical Vibe News

Junior School Update

So far this term the students have been working on their striking skills using different tools.

Over the coming weeks they will develop their throwing and catching skills by taking part in Cricket Australia's - Mascot Challenge. 

Click the link to check out some of the challenges they will complete https://www.community.cricket.com.au/schools/mascots-challenge

At the end of our throwing and catching unit the students will take home a soft Melbourne Stars ball to celebrate their achievements.


Middle School Update

Cooperative games have been the focus of the term thus far. The students are understanding the importance of team work and communication. 

Over the coming weeks the students will take part in a 4 week gymnastics program where they will be led through age appropriate skills by a qualified coach. This program forms part of a Sporting Schools Grant which we were successful in applying for. 


Senior School Update

We have been lucky enough to have representatives from Casey Netball come and run free netball clinics over the last two weeks. The students were so enthusiastic during the sessions and should have brought home a flyer inviting them to attend a free trial. 

Important Dates for Term 3

There is lots happening in term 3 - all information will be available on Compass prior to the event. 

Senior Hoop Time (selected students only) - Wednesday 3rd August

First Aid in Schools Free Incursion (all year levels) - Friday 19th August

Swimming (Foundation, Year 1 & Year 2) - Monday 22nd August, Tuesday 23rd August, Wednesday 24th August, Thursday 25th August, Monday 29th August, Tuesday 30th August, Wednesday 31st August and Thursday 1st September.

Junior Hoop Time (selected students only) - Wednesday 24th August

District Athletics (selected students only) - Tuesday 30th August

Life Education Incursion (all year levels will attend a session) - week 9 and 10.

Talk About It Incursion (year 5 and 6 students only) - various days in week 9 and 10.

Division Athletics (qualifying students only) - Wednesday 14th September

Performing Arts  

School Concert

Every class have worked really hard in Performing Arts to finish their concert item, so all they need to do now is practise, practise, practise with their classroom teacher!  We are all getting super excited for the big show and we know families just want to see their children on the stage having fun. 

All communication regarding school concert upates will be shared via Compass.

Environmental Studies

How exciting it was to start Term 3 in the new Murrup Building. The Environmental Studies room is outstanding, with different types of seating and some very cool technology.

Environmental Science 

Year 5 and 6 are exploring the state of matter and we even got to bake a cake in the new student kitchen. This was a great example of how matter changes state and not to mention delicious.

Kitchen Garden - Year 3 and 4

Students are very excited, as this semester we are starting cooking. The Year 3 students are learning about kitchen safety, hygiene and knife skills, which are essential ingredients (pardon the pun) to understand before we get into the recipes. Year 4 students are refreshing their skills and knowledge.

We all agreed that the new student kitchen gets two thumbs up!

Nature Play - Foundation, Year 1 and 2

The last three weeks we have been investigating forces, motion and friction. We have had lots of time outside exploring what forces we can apply to natural objects and the motion we then create. We also explored friction and tried to get our objects to roll quicker by creating a smooth path down the hill. Don't forget we are always outside for nature play even if it is raining, so make sure students have appropriate clothing.