School Information
Administration Office
Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am - 4.00pm
Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm
Telephone: 03 9433 2666
To view our College Policies:
College Web:
Follow us on Facebook:
Lesson times
Period 1: 9.00am - 9.50am
Period 2: 9.50am - 10.40am
Recess: 10.40am - 11.00am
Period 3: 11.00am - 11.50am
Period 4: 11.50am - 12.40pm
Lunch: 12.40pm - 1.30pm
Period 5: 1.30pm - 2.20pm
Period 6: 2.20pm - 3.10pm
Visiting the College
All Parents/Carers and visitors to the College are required to sign in at the Administration Office on Nepean Street.
In terms of organising a meeting with teachers or staff, it is preferable to make an appointment. Given their schedules of work and duties, staff are not available for an impromptu meeting. Nonetheless, we welcome all opportunities to meet with parents and to discuss student learning and student growth.
Student drop off/pick up
For the safety of students, we ask parents/carers to drop off/pick up their child from outside the school gates not from the staff car park.
Absences, late to school or early departure.
When your child is absent, or late or leaving school early there is a range of options for contacting the College. The preferred option is to log onto COMPASS and go to attendance>notes/approval.
Alternatively, you can report the absence by calling 9433 2666 Option 1. If your child is marked absent (unexplained) for the morning roll you will receive an SMS asking you to contact the College.
Parents and Guardians are reminded that delivery of personal items is not possible due to constant student movement in a Secondary School.
Whilst every attempt will be made to deliver important messages only, parents are advised that we cannot guarantee a timely delivery.
Please be aware that we are unable to contact students if a Parent/Guardian arrives unexpectedly for an appointment after 2.30pm. With this in mind, please ensure that you allow sufficient time prior to the appointment.
2022 Term Dates
Term 1
28th January to Friday 8th April
Term 2
Tuesday 26th April to Friday 24th June
Term 3
Monday 11th July to Friday 16th September
Term 4
Monday 3rd October to Tuesday 20th December