
Señor Pasten

Hola Agua Salada 



Our goal for term four in Spanish is for our students to continue learning and communicating using the Spanish language. As the students engage in different learning activities involving music, body-movement, vocabulary games, and role-playing, they will be hearing and producing authentic Spanish language. 


In the past weeks our students continued practicing how to:


  • Introduce themselves in Spanish to build relationships. 
  • Greet and farewell the teacher and their friends, based on the time of the day.
  • Become familiar with the Spanish alphabet, 
  • Follow directions in Spanish


Learning about:


  • Facts and traditions of some Spanish speaking countries.
  • Spanish cultural tradition and celebrations.

Important day in the Spanish world calendar:


All Saints Day is observed on November 1 is an important national holiday in Spain and allows people to reflect on life and remember family and friends who have passed on.

Many people attend masses at the local cemeteries and churches where they give offerings to the deceased such as flowers. Once the sombre mood is over, the atmosphere turns rather upbeat as people celebrate the good memories of those who have passed.

Students have been very excited researching and learning about Mexican cultural celebrations, specially learning how to make a Piñata.

Piñatas are containers usually look like animals, toys, cars, or any of a wide variety of objects. They are usually filled with candy or other treats.

At parties or celebrations, they are hung in the air and children are allowed to swing a stick or bat at them in order to break them open and release the surprises hidden inside. To make things even more fun, the children are often blindfolded when trying to strike the piñata. 






Señor Pastén.