Year Five News

Written by the Year Five team

Dear Year Five families,


On Tuesday the 25th of October, all Year Five students had the opportunity to participate in the St John's Ambulance First Aid Incursion.


St John Ambulance Incursion

During this session, students learnt about the process of providing care to someone in an emergency, including the recovery position. They learnt about the acronym DRSABCD and then had the chance to perform CPR on the 'Little Annie' dummies.


This stands for:

D - Danger - Check for any dangers nearby. Really understand the scenario before taking action.

R - Response - Is the patient responsive? Check for a response.

S - Send for help. Call 000 or ask another person to do so.

A - Airways - Check the patients airways. Are there any obstructions?

B - Breathing - Are they breathing?

C - CPR - Commence CPR compressions if the patient is not breathing.

D - Defibrillation - Apply a defibrillator as soon as possible and follow the prompts.


We are so proud of the Year Five students for being respectful to the instructors and risk-takers by giving CPR a go!


Here are some reflections by the students:

  • It was a lot of fun. I feel like I understand CPR a lot better. - Dima
  • I enjoyed watching the instructor demonstrate and being with my class mates, having a go. - Michaela
  • I learnt where the name 'Annie' for CPR dummies came from and the specific place on the chest where you need to do compressions. - Eliott
  • I learnt the correct CPR technique. Cibe
  • I never knew if you need to use your iPhone to dial 000 in an Emergency, it automatically adds 15% to the battery life of your phone so you can make the call. - Miss Goegan

Did You Know?

For 60 years, medical students and those doing CPR training have practiced on a dummy doll — called Resusci Annie — compressing her chest and breathing air into her plastic mouth. The face of that dummy, is based on the face of a teenage girl who was found dead in the Seine river in Paris in the late 19th century whose body was never identified but whose visage was captured in a mold, or "death mask." 


Unit of Inquiry

Over the past week, students have continued researching their system of choice as part of their Passion Project. It has been wonderful to see students have agency over their learning and utilising their research skills to access information and expand their knowledge.


There have been investigations into, the transport system, education system, monarchy, legal system and much more! Here are some wonderings students have had:

  • How are legal systems in other countries different to the Australian legal system? - Kruuden
  • What year did the first monarch start ruling England? Sydelle
  • What would life be like without family systems? Michaela
  • What are the components of an electrical system? Ian
  • How can the education system change society? James
  • What is the difference between past and present transport systems? Lorenzo

We look forward to seeing students presenting their findings.


Literacy and Mathematics

In Reading, students have been engaging in Guided Reading groups, focusing on their reading goals of building fluency and comprehension.


In Writing, students are now applying their explanation text writing skills to create a piece detailing how or why their chosen man-made system functions.


In Mathematics, students have continued working on their personalised goals for fractions, percentages and decimals.


Finally, a big CONGRATULATIONS to 5C for winning the Attendance Trophy for Week 4! 5C had an average of 96% attendance last week. Remember, missed days of school are missed learning opportunities!


A friendly reminder too that Term Four is Hats term. All students must be wearing a wide-brimmed hat at recess and lunch. Please ensure hats are clearly labelled. No hat = No play.


Kind regards,


Year Five team