Religious Education News

From the writings of Mary MacKillop
You must try to be blind to the faults of those around you.
Mary MacKillop 1877
Weekly Parish Bulletin
13 Sunday in Ordinary Time, YEAR C
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday - NAIDOC - 3 July 2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday is celebrated across Australia on July the 3rd. For Catholics, it marks the beginning of NAIDOC Week and allows us to come together to acknowledge and celebrate the gifts of Australia’s First Peoples.
Creator Spirit,
All creation once declared your glory,
Your laws were honoured and trusted,
Forgive us our neglect as our country approaches
the most critical moment in its history.
Listen to our prayer as we turn to you,
Hear the cry of our land and its people,
Just as you heard the cry of Jesus,
your Son, on the Cross.
Help us to replace our national shame
With true national pride by restoring
the dignity of our First People
whose antiquity is unsurpassed.
May our faith and trust in you increase.
Only then will our nation grow strong and be
a worthy place for all who wish to make their home in our land.
Elizabeth Pike, September 1997
Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Melbourne
This artwork was painted is called Mumeri by Dr Lisa Buxton in 2013 for the "Holy Spirit in this Land’ Mass. The artwork captures Aboriginal and Catholic symbolism.
Approved National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) 2022 poster.
Mini Vinnies - Winter Appeal
St Joseph’s Mini Vinnies are supporting the Annual Vinnies Winter Appeal. We ask for donations of clothes and blankets.
On Thursday the 30th of June, the students can come to school wearing items of clothes to donate and hand these over to our Vinnies ladies.
Bags of items can be dropped off any time between now and June 30th.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Joe Dimech
Religious Education Co-ordinator