Principal's Report

Reports, Reflection, Actions and Celebrations


Teachers have been very busy finalising assessment tasks and completing reports for all our students. Some students will be disappointed with their results, others will be elated…that’s okay. That’s the rich fabric of life and our journey in staying lifelong learners. Our reports are produced so that our students and their families can reflect, celebrate, and have rich conversations about learning growth and progression points.


One thing that never changes is the need for all our students, and indeed our entire learning community to persevere and remain tenacious around achievement goals. This can be very hard, but ultimately, persistence, resolve, resolution will pay dividends. The capacity to build ‘grit’ and resilience is always the precursor to success.


Communication about success and improvement must always be part of our ongoing dialogue throughout our entire learning community.


The new VMVCE for 2023


Information Evenings for all our parents and carers are scheduled for early next term. Please keep an eye on Compass for dates and times.

Depending on CovidSafe practices for next term, information sessions will be via WeBex or onsite.


The information will cover off on pathways and subject selections for all our students entering Year 11 and Year 12 in 2023…to reiterate, VCAL will not be running next year – the alternate course will be the only offering at Emerald Secondary College next year.


The information session will cover:

  • Course selection process
  • ATARs
  • Vocational Major
  • VET
  • TAFE and University Courses
  • Entry requirements for the new Vocational Major
  • FAQs for university requirements to workplace requirements

This initiative by DET is very exciting and will give all our students an opportunity to access their preferred pathway, post-secondary education. We look forward to seeing you at one of our information nights.


What an amazing term!


Our achievements and celebrations this term have been dotted by successes and celebrations that have reflected the degree of ‘normality’ of a vibrant Emerald Secondary College community.


The ‘School Fit’ program has worked wonders in engaging all our learners in safe, orderly, classroom environments. For some of our students, this is taking a bit longer than expected, but full support is always available and provided to those students who are taking a bit longer to settle into school life.


This term, we have seen:

  1. Students complete their learning outcomes to the best of their ability
  2. NAPLAN and Attitudes to School Survey completed – student voice and agency
  3. Many successful sporting teams
  4. Exams for years 10 and 11
  5. CATs and Learning Outcomes completed
  6. Celebratory assemblies for all the subschools
  7. Wellbeing days
  8. Passion projects completed by the Year 8 cohort
  9. Year 10 work experience
  10. The start of course counselling for 2023 for students in 11 and 12
  11. The very successful VCAL projects that have managed to raise money for local charities
  12. The shift to a more positive school culture
  13. IDAHOBIT Day
  14. High tea prepared by the Year 9 Patisserie class
  15. Footy games on the oval
  16. Basketball tournaments
  17. E Sports at lunchtime
  18. Lunchtime music and voice concerts
  19. MYLNs and TLI support growing

My entire report can be filled with more and more achievements this term, and I apologise if I have left anyone out – this is a snapshot about how our college is starting to build its momentum and vibrancy. Now, we can continue to grow capacity in recognition and nuance of a positive school culture.


I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to the Principal class and Leadership teams for their great support in setting a direction for our college over the past term. To all our staff, thank you for your energy, support, and respectful consultation throughout – our students are very fortunate to have such professional staff that teach you, support you and nurture you. Lastly, but not least, thank you to all the parents and carers for creating a partnership with the College to assist our young people navigate these difficult times. 


To all our students, enjoy your break and come back refreshed and ready to go for next term.


Just a reminder, that the first day back at school is Curriculum Day for all staff - students are not required at school

The return to school date for all our students is Tuesday, 12th of July.


