Principal's Report

Dear Families,
Welcome back everyone to the second half of the school year. I trust you all enjoyed the break with your family and friends. I had lots of family time between visits to Swan Hill and Torquay. Jock and Hattie came to stay with us in Tatura whilst Jess and Frankie went on pony camp at Balranald.
We would like to welcome the Sweeney family to Toolamba PS. Jack is in Grade 4 and Lily-Ann is in Grade 2. Both children have fitted very comfortably into their classes and our school community.
Our condolences go out to the Boyer family on the passing of Andrew Crawford. Many of us have fond memories of Andrew and his dedication to junior sport in the community.
Regulations remain fairly similar to those at the end of Term 2. If your child tests positive to COVID they are required to isolate for 7 days. Close contacts no longer need to isolate however they are to be tested daily. Close contacts who are in Grade 3 and above are required to wear mask whilst at school. If you choose not to test a close contact, they are to remain in isolation for the 7 days.
With the predicted next wave of COVID and the flu which is prevalent at the moment it is important for us to adhere to our COVIDSafe practices to keep our community as well as possible, these includes:
- Ventilation
- Regular hand hygiene
- Testing when symptomatic or close contact.
- Staying home when unwell
Once again, we have purchased the Children’s Book Council Short Listed Books for our school collection. The Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) is a not for profit, volunteer run organisation which aims to engage the community with literature for young Australians. The CBCA presents annual awards to books of literary merit, for outstanding contribution to Australian children's literature.
Established in 1945, the Children’s Book Council of Australia was founded at a time when Australian children’s books were few, and Australian authors and illustrators were virtually unknown. In 1946 the CBCA established annual book awards to promote books of high literary and artistic quality. These awards are now the most influential and highly respected in Australia.
These are on display in the Central Learning Street. I read “Winston and the Inside Cat” by Leila Rudge at assembly on Monday, it is a delightful story about two very different cats: Winston, a free-spirited explorer; and The Indoor Cat, a lover of leisure. They form a friendship and show each other how different their lives could be.
Breakfast Club resumed this Wednesday, and it was pleasing to see our regular customers return! If any parents are available to help out on a Wednesday morning from 8.15-9am I would love some help, just pick a date that suits you and we will pop you on a roster.
This proved to be very popular in Term 2 and will continue for the Winter months on a Wednesday and Friday morning. Please wrap items in foil and label clearly.
Thankyou to the families who have already contributed to our 2022 parent payments that allow us to deliver quality programs and learning experiences. We forwarded the 2022 Parent Payment arrangement information last term. This includes payment options such as BPay and Direct Deposit. We also have EFTPOS at the office.
Please contact the office if you have any queries - 5826 5212.
Thank you to those families who have returned the Parent Comment section of the student reports. Your feedback is important to us so I encourage you to take a few minutes to complete this task.
Next Tuesday several of the staff will be visiting New Gisborne Primary School who have been using the Little Learner Love Literacy approach for several years. The school has come highly recommended therefore we are excited about the opportunity to learn from them.
Parents are welcome to come into the classrooms each morning to hear their children read from 8.45am till 9am.
Have a great weekend,
Regards Heather