Year 5/6 Winter Sport
On Friday afternoons during Term Two, our Year 5/6 students will play either Football or Netball against other schools from our local area. This commenced on Friday 6th May and the focus of this is on participation and sportsmanship. The children will play either football or netball.
Shine the Light Social Justice Day- last day of term
Casual Clothes for Gold Coin Donation
We finish Term Two with a focus on social justice on Shine the Light Social Justice Day. Students can wear casual clothes in exchange for a gold coin donation that will go to
St Vincent de Paul and ,in particular, homelessness .
Assemblies are in the Hall on Wednesday afternoons from 2.40pm and parents are welcome to attend. At assembly, there are presentations from classes, student awards, birthday acknowledgements and special announcements.
Today - Year 4
End of Term Two - Friday 24th June
Term Two concludes on Friday 24th June at 1.30pm. NO CANTEEN TODAY
Term 3
Monday 11th July -Term Three commences on and concludes on Friday 16th September.
Friday 12th August - P and F Social night
Save the date!! Please see the P and F page for more information .....
Monday 22nd August -the school will be closed for staff professional development.