Wellbeing and Engagement 

Farewell to Year 12 – The Class of 2021

We hold our Year 12 students and their families firmly in our prayers and in our thoughts, and we wrap them with lots and lots of love as they head towards their VCAA exams.  Most of our Year 12 students have been a part of this community now for six years, and we are so proud of their many accomplishments, as well as the strength, resilience and perseverance they have demonstrated throughout the year that has been.


Over the coming week, we have events planned to celebrate the grit and grace of the Class of 2021.  This includes their Year 12 Graduation Ceremony and their celebration day.  On behalf of the College community, I extend a warm invitation to each of you to join us in congratulating these fine young women, in acknowledging their wonderful array of gifts and talents and in wishing them well for the future. 


I truly believe the Class of 2021 is the chosen class to change the world for the better.  A change that focuses on courage, compassion, hospitality, hope, justice and wonder.  They are the class that showed a heightened awareness of what it means to truly show ‘Strength In Unity.’  Yes, it has not been easy but together, with Laura Mitchell and Ellie Carter as their inspirational College Captains, our girls have stood tall, maintained their strength as a group, showed sheer determination, persistence and resilience to look after each other and continued to build school spirit.  The Class of 2021 will be remembered for many reasons, for their tenacity, their spirit, their determination, their wonderful sense of humour and a shining light for our school community.


Year 12 Student Awards

Today we gathered as a school community to celebrate student excellence and recognise the many different achievements of our Year 12 students. The following awards were presented to students who have made significant contributions to life at Kilbreda College and lived out our College motto of ‘Strength and Kindliness” each day.


Sister Mary Dalton Award

The 2021 recipient of the Sister Mary Dalton award is Ellie Carter.


Ellie is described by her teachers and peers as a kind-hearted, positive and selfless student and friend. She always tries hard to put her best foot forward and constantly strives to achieve her personal best.  Ellie is an inspirational, compassionate and inclusive leader who listens to the needs of her peers and provides them with constant care and support.  Throughout her years at the College, Ellie has made valuable contributions to so many aspects of school life, ranging from her amazing displays in school productions such as Mary Poppins, to assisting Year 7 students with their transition to the College, to hosting Open mornings and being a vibrant member of the school choir. As a College Captain, she truly embodies Kilbreda’s motto of ‘Strength and Kindliness’ and her generosity of spirit has been a blessing for the Kilbreda College community.


Mother Margaret Mary Bourke Award

The 2021 recipient of the Mother Margaret Mary Bourke award is Laura Mitchell.


Since arriving at the College in Year 8, Laura has been an exemplary leader and supporter of her peers. She has always led through her actions and words.  Throughout her years at the College, she has always provided a friendly face, an avenue for a chat and a never-ending well of positivity for her peers.  Her honest and caring nature, persistence and strong work ethic with her studies, genuine empathy and willingness to serve others has seen her excel in all areas of her life both inside and outside the Kilbreda College gates.  Laura is described by her peers as a ray of sunshine and someone who has a way of lighting up a room with her presence.  She has represented Kilbreda at sport, school events, drove fundraising initiatives and has been a wonderful role model for all students.  ‘Strength and kindliness’ are her hallmarks and gifts that she will bless the world with in the years to come. 


Michelle Bassett Award

In 2021 the College has decided to recognise two students as the recipient of the Michelle Bassett award.


The first recipient of the Michelle Bassett Award is Olivia Cooper. 


Olivia is a thoughtful, enthusiastic, compassionate and humble leader who has made wonderful contributions to life at the College over three years as a Living Justice leader. Olivia brightens classrooms with her warm smile and she constantly strives to ensure that she is the voice for those that society may have silenced.  Whether it be starring on the sporting field, driving Project Compassion and BASP fundraising initiatives or applying herself to her VCE studies Olivia always strives to do her best and she is a fantastic role model to younger students.  Her peers describe her as someone who is kind to all she meets, always willing to have a laugh and someone who goes out of their way to listen and support others. 


The second recipient of the Michelle Bassett award is Charlotte Lowe.


Charlotte has fully engaged with her life as a Kilbreda student. She has been a member of various Kilbreda bands since Year 7. She is currently a member of the Kilbreda Symphonic Band and the St Bede’s Wind Symphony. After the disruption to the band program following COVID and the departure of the 2020 Year 12 students from the St Bede’s Wind Symphony, Charlotte remained as the sole Kilbreda representative of this band and travelled to a competition to perform with the band during term 1. Charlotte was cast in the production of Cosi which was unfortunately cancelled this year due to lockdown. Charlotte has worked diligently at her studies. She has attended extra tutoring sessions and thought deeply on science concepts taught in class. She is very well read and asks incredible questions. Charlotte is generous with her time and the first to offer assistance when needed. She supports the endeavours of others and is a big supporter of science week, music, Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and extra-curricular events at Kilbreda, such as music camp, (attending in Year 12 to assist younger students) and in the wider community. Charlotte has never given up when she finds studies challenging, but has kept working hard, asking questions and improving her understanding bit by bit.


The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award

The 2021 recipient of the Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award is Madi McCahon.


Madi is constantly striving to be the best person she can be, while encouraging others to do the same. She is a positive and active contributor to life at Kilbreda College and when challenges present, she perseveres, demonstrating grit, persistence and resilience in the process.  As an SRC leader, she shows her true, selfless nature, constantly prioritising other students’ needs and wants and providing a voice for those who feel that they are not heard.  Beyond this, she treats everyone with kindness and respect, making everyone around her feel happy and safe to be themselves.  Amongst representing the College with distinction in sport and participating in a wide range of leadership initiatives, Madi has excelled in her studies, always working hard and striving to achieve the best results possible – a goal which she has successfully attained over the course of her time at Kilbreda.  As one student expressed “Madi is a champion in life who encourages and influences those around her to follow.  She is a teacher in many aspects, as when I am struggling, she is always willing to assist me to ensure that I am able to grasp a greater understanding of the course. It is here, that Madi shows the core values of ‘strength and kindliness,’ in that she shows the strength to have the confidence in what she knows and kindliness to share her insights to assist those around her.”  Madi brings an incredible light to our school days and she constantly motivates those around her to do their best and to be the best they can be. 


ADF Innovators Award

The 2021 recipient of the ADF Innovators Award is Grace Corbitt.


Grace is described by her teachers as an exceptional student who works tirelessly and with endless positivity.  Grace excels in the field of science and mathematics constantly pushing herself to achieve her personal best.  She has a love of learning, is inquisitive, takes risks with her learning and persists when challenges present.  Her peers admire that she constantly contributes to class discussions, questions appropriately and that she challenges her teachers and tries to get more out of them in every way.  They are looking forward to seeing Grace achieve her PHD in Physics and believe that she can do it. 


Caltex Best All-Rounder Award

The 2021 recipient of the Caltex Best All-Rounder Award is Sarah Molin.


Sarah is described by her peers as an amazing leader and role model for all students.  She is principled, kind, encouraging, positive and is always willing to lend a hand.  She motivates those around her to do their best, she constantly checks in and notices others and she goes out of her way to acknowledge the gifts and talents of those around her.  This always brightens their spirits and makes people feel valued.  Sarah has excelled academically, and she has actively contributed to all facets of school life.  Her selfless nature, wicked sense of humour, strong core values and generous and compassionate heart are appreciated by all. 


City of Kingston Outstanding Student Citizen Award

The 2021 recipient of the City of Kingston Outstanding Student Citizen Award is Sophia Bryant.


Sophia is a compassionate, honest and hard-working student who has consistently made valuable contributions to all aspects of school life.  Her teachers describe her as an amazing young woman who works incredibly hard and someone who can see the positive in any situation.  You come away from interactions with Sophia feeling positive about the world and life itself.  Sophia’s peers admire her tenacity, her courageous spirit and her ability to lean into and tackle challenges head on.  They recognise her as a principled, just and inclusive leader, a role model and a remarkable friend.  As the 2021 Sustainability Leader, Sophia has strived to give life to the Living Justice, Living Peace charter and she has been an active and valued contributor to the Catholic Identity and Mission Team. 


Mark Dreyfus Community Spirit and Leadership Award

The 2021 recipient of the Community Spirit and Leadership award is Roisin Tobin.


Roisin has worked hard to achieve consistently high academic results. On top of that, she has involved herself in the school production for the last four years and was stage manager the last two years.  This has taken a considerable amount of dedication and commitment, but it is something that she feels she can offer to the school community and is testament to her generosity of spirit. Roisin always offers assistance to her fellow students with their studies.  She is kind and respectful and is held in high regard by students and staff. A quiet achiever but one who has worked exceptionally hard to maintain a high academic level and give back to her school. 

Stephanie Smyth

Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement