Welcome to Term 4

Ms Huebner

In Year 5 this term there will be lots of exciting things happening! The students will be continuing to rehearse for the filming of Mary Poppins Junior as well as focusing on their skills for 2022 leadership as captains and as buddies to the Prep students.


In English the students will again be participating in Literature Circles where they will continue our work on specific comprehension and text analysis skills. Students will also have a focus on their public speaking skills in preparation for their leadership speeches.


In Mathematics, the students will continue to regularly practice their fast facts and complete personalised learning activities and problem solving questions in relation to the following areas of Mathematics: Financial Mathematics, Probability, Operations as well as revisiting Fractions, Decimals and Percentages.


Our Religion units this term are ‘Scripture & Jesus’ and ‘Advent & Christmas’. The students will focus on analysing bible readings in the New Testament and Advent as a time of waiting in the lead up to Christmas.


This term our Topic unitis ‘Lights, Circuits, Energy!’ which focuses on the Physical Science curriculum. Students will be exploring the observable properties of light and develop their understanding of energy flow through the transfer and transformation of electricity.


As part of the focus on Digital Technologies, the students will be working to obtain their Digital Licence and continue to work on their digital coding skills.