Wellbeing Report 

Written by Rachael Robinson, Aileen Guatache and Victoria O'Leary 

Hola comunidad de Agua Salada, 


This is the moment we have been waiting for so long, a well-deserved return to “normal”. Yet, it can feel far different from what we imagined it would feel. I want to invite you all to be gentle with yourselves, taking one day at a time.  


Connecting with our own emotions is the best start to be able to support our children when dealing with their own emotions. 


Here’s a video created by Royal Children’s hospital (RCH) about strategies to support primary students returning to school. It is an hour-long however it is all worthy, includes strategies to support children experiencing anxiety. 



RCH also developed another resource for children about wearing masks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7VYoTSnf9Q

It is a bit more than 2 minutes long. It explains children in age-appropriate language about using masks when returning to school.  


I wish you all a smooth transition back to the things you missed. And remember we are in this together, reach out for support.