Leadership Report 

Written by Gramatiki Alexiou

Well done Saltwater Community!


With the vaccination numbers increasing day-by-day, we are steaming towards Phase C of Victoria’s vaccination roadmap, which will start to see a few more of the restrictions relax over the next few weeks. I would like to take this time, to thank all the parents, students and teachers for all of their hard work during Remote Learning in ensuring that learning for our students has not stagnated due to these circumstances. 


Thank you for being flexible and adaptable throughout these trying times and helping us get through what we needed to do.

All students will return to full-time schooling from Wednesday 3 November, so hopefully, students will have some regularity in their schooling for the final two months of 2021. In order to maintain COVID-safe practices and social distancing, parents will now be allowed to enter the school grounds to drop off and pick up their child/ren, however, they must remain outside of the classroom and indoor areas of the school. Please continue to use the pre-allocated gates to reduce the congestion around the school gate area during drop-off and pick-up times. If you do need to enter a school building, please follow the QR code check-in system to register yourself as being onsite and for contact-tracing purposes. 


As a friendly reminder to parents, we are a Department of Education government school and must abide by the operation guides as set out by DET. A reminder that if a student displays any cold or flu like symptoms at school, no matter how mild, we have been mandated that the student will need to be collected from the school as soon as possible. 


Please see the attached PDF file for further details. We thank you in advance for your support in following the steps outlined in the guide and allowing all of us to stay safe and remain open.


Some great news on the Secondary School front, as we have received formal confirmation that we will have official hand over of the building in early November, which will give us a bit of time to plan and set up the layout of the Secondary building. For those who missed the Year 7 Information evening or are interested in a school tour/Q&A session, more information will be released inviting parents to book in for sessions at the end of November and early December. Information for Prep transition will also be communicated to parents next week.

ICAS testing will be taking place over the next couple of weeks. Parents will be given the instructions a week prior to the testing date. If you have registered your child/ren for ICAS testing, please check your e-mail inboxes for further instructions and the latest update on testing dates.


Just a friendly reminder that Monday 1 November is a curriculum day and that school will not be operating on that day. Please note that Big Childcare will be available if parents are in need of supervision for Monday. Please find further information on their website.


On Friday 29 October 2021 Victoria celebrated World Teachers’ Day. Like many of the families of the Saltwater Community, the teachers and leaders have had to juggle the nuances of remote teaching as well as balancing their personal and professional lives, whilst putting on brave faces despite the uncertainty sitting in the back of their minds. I can proudly say that the group of educators that we have here at Saltwater have gone above and beyond their call of duty and have truly made a difference to the education and lives of our students. If you have a spare moment to thank your child/ren’s classroom teacher and specialist teachers, it would make a world of difference in putting a smile on their dial.  


The teachers are very excited to have all of the students back full-time next week and have plenty of fun activities planned for the students from now to the end of 2021! Stay strong and hopefully we can have a fantastic finish in December!


Thank you, 

Mr Ryan Ma