P&F News 

P&F Annual General Meeting

The P&F Committee AGM was held online on Monday night and it was great to see so many of our St Pius X community there and get an update on the past year from Mr Couani. 


The 2022 Committee was elected at the conclusion of the meeting and the 2022 Committee representatives are:


President: Sarah Gillard 

Vice President: Angelo Guerrera

Treasurer: Thomas Lau

Secretary: Renee Sullivan

Social Co-ordinators: Louise Johnston & Rossana Bennett

Communications Co-ordinator: Julie Charlton

Class Parent Co-ordinator: Rachel Mensforth


Congratulations to all and thank you for your continued support. 


Thank you to all who have attended the in person and online P&F meetings over the course of this year, we appreciate your involvement, ideas and feedback. 


The P&F Committee look forward to 2022 with hopefully, being able to resume our social calendar of events and see the Pius community spirit back in action whether at a soiree, on the sidelines or on the dance floor at the Cocktail Party. 


Support your boys by supporting the P&F


Mrs Sarah Gillard - P&F President
