
Artwork by Axel 

Some tips for how to help your child be positive about returning to school

  • Ask your child how they are feeling about returning to school. Your child may be feeling a mix of emotions about their return, so it is important to listen to any concerns and respond in a calm, supportive and reassuring way. 
  • Promote positive conversations by asking what they like about school and what they are looking forward to when they return. Let them know that school staff are looking forward to seeing them. Your child might like to make a list or drawing about things they have missed about school. 
  • If they feel nervous or worried, help them understand this is a normal reaction, and that you and their teachers are there to support them. 
  • If your child has questions about COVID-19, provide factual and age appropriate information. Let them know everyone at school is working hard so that everyone is safe and that their class and grade is working as a team. 
  • Consider limiting media content your child is viewing if it is contributing to worry or distress. 
  • Remind your child that everyone at school is working hard to make sure that everyone is safe and that anyone who is unwell will stay home 
  • Read the newsletters to learn about new procedures that may have been introduced such as changes to parents’ access to the school grounds, drop off and pick up points as well as new rules such as wearing face masks or hygiene rules. 
  • Discuss these with your child and plan together how these changes will be managed. The more your child understands the changes, the more comfortable they are likely to feel. If you are unsure about anything, contact the school or your child’s teacher.