Principal's Message

This week we welcomed back our wonderful Kindergarten and Year 1 students! 

Next we we look forward to seeing our Year 2 to Year 6 students on Monday 25 October!

What's been happening at Galilee while you were remote learning! Refurbishment of Kindergarten & Year 1. 

Installation of sliding door, new carpet, pinboards, windows repaired, painted & the intallation of 2 Promethean boards!


Return to school arrangements starting Week 4 

Reduced Cohort Mixing:

The Galilee Staff Team will be putting the following arrangements into place as Years K to 6 students return to face-to-face teaching from Week 4 Term 4 onwards. After assessing these measures we may need to alter procedures and further advice/updates will be communicated to families.

  • Older siblings meet with younger siblings and leave from their exit location (Blair Street or Oakley Road)
  • “Independent walkers” leave at same time as those being collected by parents/carers
  • Car pick up students will gather in K/1/2 Play area from designated exit time and names will be called for them to exit onto Blair Street.
  • Students leaving from Oakley Road will be waiting with a teacher near the gate
  • Parents and carers must follow advice regarding changes to student drop-off and pick-up. This includes staying in the car when dropping off and picking up children if it is safe to do so. Dismissal times are as follows:
  • 2:55pm Siblings & Walkers (Blair St & Oakley Rd)
  • 3:00pm Infants
  • 3:05pm Primary

It is particularly important that parents and carers who pick up children “in person” do not gather “too early before the designated student exit times, be wearing masks and strictly observe physical distancing in the carpark and front footpath areas. 


As NSW Health predicts there could be a “surge” in Covid-19 cases once we open up, the school is asking for parents/carers not to congregate in social groups whilst waiting to pick up students and then move quickly away from the school site. 


This will lessen the chance for the virus to spread amongst our Galilee school community members. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation with these requests.

Level 3 Covid-19 Safe Protocols:

In keeping with directions from the NSW Health and Education Departments, and Sydney Catholic Schools, the Public Health Orders require Galilee school to operate under Level 3 Covid-19 safe protocols.


The school will also be having:

  • Hand Sanitiser “stations” available for use by students as they enter school
  • All students washing hands before eating at recess and lunch times, and as they enter classrooms after recess and lunch breaks
  • Staff Members will be accessing the Galilee QR code and using hand sanitiser upon entry/exit to/from school
  • Additional “high touch” area cleaning will take place during the school day and in the after-hours school cleaning schedule

Students to be collected if exhibiting cold/flu symptoms and tested for Covid-19

In keeping with our current Sydney Catholic Schools protocols, if students are exhibiting cold/flu like symptoms, congestion, a cough, etc then NSW Health guidelines state that students are to be sent to the Front Office Sick Bay straight away and parents/carers asked to take them home immediately. Children should then be taken for a Covid-19 test and remain home until a “negative” Covid-19 test result has been received.


Students may return to school when well and “evidence” of a negative Covid-19 test emailed into the school office using the email. Ms Elyse in the front office will then upload this Covid-19 status onto the child’s Compass record.


We thank all parents and carers, in advance, for their prompt response and co-operation with these health and hygiene protocols to assist in the positive wellbeing of all members of our school community.

Recess & Lunch

Fruit break will be at 10am each day. We will be continuing to have the same recess and lunch times. K-2 will be using the toilets on the playground at recess and lunch. Students will be separated on K-2 on Playground 1 and Years 3-6 on Playground 2. Year 3 to 6 will have access to the toilets in the hall. Teachers will be supervising. During learning time K-2 will use the toilet upstairs. 


Before School Students dropped off at or after 8:40 please – starts Week 4 (25 Oct) 

So that “mixing” of students before school on the playground is minimised we kindly ask parents/carers to drop children off to school at, or after, 8:40am so they can proceed directly into their class. There will be only limited supervision of students on the playground between 8:20am and 8:40am. Students are required to be at school and start lessons at 8:50am, thank you.

Fresh Air Ventilation of school buildings:

NSW Health advice is that fresh air ventilation is the best option for reducing the risk of Covid-19 spread in school settings. This advice has been reinforced by an independent hygienist engaged by Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) and an audit of Galilee window openings has been recently conducted by the SCS properties division.


All classrooms and learning spaces will have windows opened to allow cross ventilation and good fresh air flow. Fortunately, the design of Galilee allows effective air flow in the majority of indoor spaces.


No use of water bubblers:

Students are not allowed access to the water bubblers around the school and are asked to bring their own water bottles each school day, thank you.

Mask Wearing:

All Galilee staff members will be wearing masks while on the school site, both inside and outside. In keeping with recent NSW Health information (as outlined and to apply in a primary school setting) it is highly recommended that primary students from Years 3 to 6 wear a mask while in the classroom. Those students not wearing masks will not be “separated” from other students and the provision of a mask is entirely an individual choice by parents/carers. Parents/carers will need to supply their child/children with a suitable mask, thank you.

Respecting Privacy 

As a school community our guiding principle is that ‘at Galilee we are making a difference by being safe, respectful learners’. This means that we respect the privacy of all members. We ask that adults and students do not make assumptions or judgements about staff, other classmates or parents relating to their absence, health profile or learning. If you have any concerns these should be raised with me. By remembering to live by the statement above we ensure that our school community continues to be one that is welcoming and inclusive.

THRIVE Film Festival - VOTE for Billy! People's Choice Award

Congratulations to Billy Buchanan (Year 4) for his submission of 'The Quest'. It has been selected as a finalist for the live stream THRIVE Awards Ceremony on Friday 26 November 2021 at 6:30 pm. 


His submission will also be in the running for the People’s Choice Award. We are asking that students, staff and parents from Galilee (and others) vote for their favourite film from the finalist's list. Simply visit the People’s Choice webpage or the YouTube Playlist to watch the films and complete the form to cast a vote (for Billy's submission "The Quest"). The People’s Choice Award will be announced at the awards event and voting closes by 5pm,  Friday 29 October.


Australia will celebrate and thank the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day on Friday 29 October 2021.  


Teachers (with support from parents and carers) have ensured education continues across the country this year, despite major challenges. It’s reinforced the significant role teachers play in the lives of children and students, their families, and communities.


Help collect a million virtual apples to thank teachers across Australia at Other ideas for how parents/carers and students can get involved are included in this article:




Anna Novak
