From the Deputy 

Student Assessment and Reporting

Dear Families,


Over the next two weeks, classroom teachers will be finalising formal assessments they have been completing with students.  We conduct formal assessment of students every year in February, May and November. Typically, these assessments are used to track student learning over time.  


In February, assessment results also inform what teachers plan for students to meet them at their point of need.  In education, this is referred to as 'formative assessment' or 'assessment for learning'. These assessments also support the identification of students who may benefit from intervention in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy.  Wellbeing support is determined by student and parent self-report in conjunction with teacher judgement. 


Aside from formal assessment and testing, ongoing assessment takes the form of pre-assessments, which occur at the beginning of units of work.  These units can last for 1-3 weeks or may continue across a term depending on the curriculum area being taught. The data from pre-assessments are then analysed by staff to determine what the lesson sequence will be underpinned by what needs to be taught at each level of the curriculum. 


At the end of the lesson sequence post-assessment is used to track and monitor student learning and growth. Within lessons, teachers are also gathering data about students and their developing knowledge, aligning (or triangulating) this with their professional judgement, observations and other forms of data to adapt lessons, so that they target each student at their point of need.  


This data, along with teacher professional judgement, are used to determine which level of the curriculum each student is currently working at.  It is this information that we include in each students' semester report which will be available to families this term at the end of Week 9.  Should a teacher have concerns about your child's learning or progress, they will communicate this with you prior to reports being sent out. Equally, should you have any concerns about your child or their progress thus far, please contact your child's teacher to discuss your concerns.


You will also have the opportunity to discuss your child's report in Week 10 during progress interviews.  Please look out for communication regarding this in the coming weeks.


If I can be of assistance at any point, please do not hesitate to contact me -


Wishing you all the very best for the coming fortnight.


Stay safe,


Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning Leader