Middle School

From the Head of Middle School 

Service around the School

Below is an extract from our assembly this week that was presented by Austin Beeck (Year Twelve) to the Middle and Senior School.


“In Year Nine in 2019, Thomas Nelson spoke with Mr Scott about how he can serve the school, and get a Wave award from Baudin House. As Thomas lives in South Stirlings, it is difficult to take part in service opportunities around the school and he was keen to contribute. He had already completed the school participation sections of the Wave award. 


Interestingly, Thomas’s family home was nearly destroyed by the fires that raged through the Stirlings in 2018. At that time, a lot of people and agencies assisted farmers who lost possessions or had their farms badly affected by the fires. Maybe it was then that Thomas saw how powerful helping others can be.  


One of Thomas’ passions is building things and in particular doing woodwork. 

After some discussion with Mr Scott and his family, Thomas thought that a good way to contribute would be to make some bird boxes that parrots could use to nest in. He did some research and built 12 boxes.  


Thomas is fairly reserved and quiet but he wanted to convey the following in his own words; 


“I made these bird boxes from recycled pallet wood a few years ago to contribute to my Wave award. These are made from recycled pallets from the farm. I built them because I decided to do something different for my Wave award and although I didn't end up getting it in 2019, I still enjoyed making them. They were made when I was just getting started in woodwork, and this reflects in the quality, however they still do the job.” 


You may have seen the different parrots around the school such as twenty eights and red capped parrots. One of the nice things we see on our beautiful school campus. These bird boxes are now up high in trees around the school campus and you may see them if you look carefully. Hopefully, the parrots will move in over the next breeding season. 


This is a great story of how we can make a contribution to the school, society and in this case the environment. In VACS students do some service that is organised by the school, but that doesn’t have to be the end of it. Thomas Nelson’s story is an inspirational one, from a quiet achiever, who wants to make a difference.   


Mr Adam Scott | Head of Middle School