Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning
Do Hard Things
This week has been a blur of activity as students have completed their Mid-Year examinations and the University of New South Wales Reach Tests. At The Hamilton and Alexandra College we are committed to teaching our students how to do hard things and not shying away from the responsibility of what it means to be an active learner. It is hard to review and reflect on your learning, to apply the knowledge and skills in a specific subject area, to problem solve, analyse and to produce work under pressure. And yet this is what our young men and women at College have been doing this week. In the week following RLP 4.0, all students from Years 7-11 have sat exams and we have not modified or simplified our approach to examinations because we believe this process builds the skills of tenacity, perseverance and growth in each and every one of our students.
Students learn to arrive on time, to have the correct materials with them, to leave their smart phones and watches in their lockers, to enter the examination venue in silence. These tasks may seem simple but learning to do this as a group and in a timely manner can be challenging. I have been impressed by the way our students have embraced this challenge.
Life is about doing hard things. As we collate assessments and finalise reports, the teaching staff reflect on the importance of challenging our students. As a college, we do not tolerate mediocrity; we want the best for and from each student. If you know that your son or daughter has done hard things this week, that they have met the challenge of learning and demonstrating their knowledge in exams, then we all have something to celebrate. Let’s teach our young people to do hard things.
Susan Bradbeer
Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning