
Program & Other Sacramental Dates

 Sacramental Program - Eucharist 

As has been communicated previously,  Fr Eric our Parish Priest, in consultation with the school has made the following arrangements in relation to the celebration of the Sacraments.


 Our Baptised Roman Catholic Students in Year 5 and in Year 4 will make their First Eucharist at one of the following Parish Masses beginning the end of July. 


Sacrament of Eucharist 

(Catholic Students in Year 4 and Year 5 2021)


Students will make their First Eucharist at one of these Masses

Saturday 31st July 6pm 

Sunday, Sunday 1st August 10am

Saturday 7th August 6pm 

Sunday 8th August 10am

Saturday 14th August 6pm 

Sunday 15th August 10am


To this end, Catholic students will within the next week receive a letter from the Parish asking you to nominate preferences to the above Masses. Please note that some families may not receive their first preference. 


Preparation for the Sacrament

The students will undergo preparation in their Religious Education lessons here at school  

In addition to preparation at school, a booklet with instructionwill come home for each student from the Parish.  This workbook is designed to be completed at home  by the student with parents  assisting.  


Family involvement, supports the very important principle that the Parents are the First Educators of Faith. 


COVID Restrictions

How many people from the Family can attend the First Eucharist?


Given the current COVID Restrictions and numbers allowed in the Church, please note that 4 people only, including the child making the First Eucharist can attend the First Eucharist Mass. We will be following any COVID updates as they come to hand. This may mean changes to arrangements.



Sacrament of Confirmation 

Sacrament of Confirmation

(Catholic Students in Year 6 2021 and Year 7 Catholic Students who attended SJV)


Our hope  would be that students will make their Sacrament at one of these Masses

Monday October 11th 7:30pm

Tuesday October 12th 7:30pm 


Further information relating to Confirmation will be sent home to you in 3rd term