Zart Art Competition!

Hello Parents, 

This year Zart Art is having an art competition open for all primary students! 


This year’s theme is : OUR CELEBRATION OF AUSTRALIA.


Your child can display this in any sense of art such as: Chalk drawings, Weaving, Watercolour paintings, One point perspective arts pieces 3D or 2D etc. 

Your child can only enter this competition once.

There will be a prize for each category.

Category 1:  Prep to year 3 

Category 2: Year 4 to 6

The winning student from each category will receive a$250 Zart Art & Craft Voucher  and a $450 Zart Art & Craft Voucher for their school.  There will also be 20 shortlisted prizes awarded to each category, the student winner will receive a $50 Zart & craft gift voucher.



This art competition opens on Monday 14th of June and closes on  Monday 19 of July.  The Shortlisted finalist are announced on 28 July 2021 at 5 pmNational winner announced on the 30th July 2021

More information is available at:


 From Mrs Perkins and your Art Captains!