Senior School Learning

Year 3 and 4

 In the Senior School, the 3/4 students took part in World Maths Day on Wednesday the 5th of May. The students were able to take part in maths challenges against students from TPS as well as students from all over the world! We had a lot of fun and used strategies we  have been learning about to complete the challenges. Well done for all students who took part!


Year 5 and 6

5/6 Learning

This fortnight we have continued our discovery of the Great Barrier Reef, with a strong focus on the impact humans are having on it. We have discovered that we are doing many things that are harming our Great Barrier Reef. Students have written persuasive pieces about how we must look after our Great Barrier Reef. It has been interesting to see the persuasive techniques students have used such as rhetorical questions, alteration and modal verbs. Our knowledge about the Great Barrier Reef has certainly expanded and the conversations we are having about coral bleaching, carbon emissions and ocean acidification have been fantastic! Who would have thought we would be able to tell you exactly how us driving cars is impacting our Great Barrier Reef. We look forward learning about how we can help our reef in future lessons.


During maths we have also looked at decimals and their importance to our every day lives. It has been perfect timing, given our cross country times have given us something to talk about. This week we will also begin a maths investigation using decimals, starting with our reaction time. How quickly can you press the button to stop?!


Winter Sports

What a busy term we have had with PE. We started with our house cross country and our MVA Cross Country. Last Friday we ventured to Bannockburn College to participate in our MVA Winter Sports. Students in the senior school were able to play either Football, Netball or Soccer. They played many games over the course of the day against other schools in our area. We represented our school with pried, showed great sportsmanship and also tried our best. It was a great afternoon out, utilising the amazing facilities at Bannockburn College. We have a couple more sports events to go this term. Keep an eye out for updates.



Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Information

The below information is relevant for families wishing to send their child to a Government Secondary School. Attached is the Transition Information Pack for parents/carers. This pack contains: 

- Frequently Asked Questions

- Application for Year 7 Placement 2022 Form

- Privacy Notice 


Please print and complete the Application for Year 7 Placement 2022 Form and return to the office by Friday 14 May 2021

If you are intending to send your child to a Non-Government Secondary School, please contact them directly for their enrolment process. 

For more information please visit, If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office.