Term 3 Week 7

Home Learning



This week in Reading we will be focusing on the picture story book "Josephine wants to dance" by Jackie French. Students will be completing a 'Literacy Menu' throughout the week with different tasks relating to the book. The literacy menu tasks focus on the skills of reading with expression and fluency, anaylsing the text and summarising. 

This week the students will also be taking part in a one-to-one reading assessment with their teacher. The times for these assessments will be communicated via a Seesaw announcement.  We ask that the students find a quiet place in their home to complete this reading assessment independently.  Due to these assessments there will be no Reading and Maths groups this week. 



As part of our unit on 'Creativity enhances artistic expression', we are exploring the writing form of poetry. Students were asked to connect with different poems and identify how each one made them feel. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to explore the structure of a variety of poetry types, including Haiku, Limmericks and Cinquain poems.


Word Study

On Friday, the students were asked to identify the codes they were confident with, and those they felt they still needed to work on learning. It is important we get all of these in our automatic file, so we can progress to exploring more complex spelling rules. Students are encouraged to spend the next week focusing on those codes they still aren't quite confident with.


Number and Algebra

We will continue to focus on multiplication this week. Students will be developing their skills in reading and solving one step worded problems. 

Worded problems are an important part of learning as they require students to apply their knowledge of different concepts to 'real-life' scenarios.  Word problems also help students to familiarise themselves with mathematical language such as altogether and more.  




Measurement and Geometry.

This week students will continue to deepen their understanding of Mass. They will compare and order objects using kilograms (kg) and grams (g) and consider and test theories related to mass and weight. : 

Theory 1: If an object can be picked up, it is light.

Theory 2:  The bigger an object is, the heavier it is.

Theory 3:  If things can fit inside an object it is heavy.

Theory 4:  If an object floats, it is light.

Unit of Inquiry


This week we will identify and explore art. To open up the students' thinking to different art forms, they will identify and classify images which they believe are art or not art. Through reasoning and justification of the placement students will write their own definition of what art is. We will go on a virtual 'excursion' to the Bayside Arts and Cultural Centre and view their latest exhibition. This will support students' understanding that art is varied and is represented in different mediums. 


Throughout the Remote Learning Period there has been a strong focus on student wellbeing.  We hope the students enjoy ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ this week and that it helps everyone refresh and refocus. The students are also being invited to write their own personal affirmations for this week’s challenge.  

Grade 3 Team (Week 7)

As many of you know, our Grade 3 teachers have shuffled slightly to accommodate Mr Bill Kolivas's absence over the last few weeks. Thank you to those who have shown concern for Bill. We will pass on your best wishes to him.

For this week, the following teachers will be working with the following classes:


3A - Sylvia Zanati  



3B - Georgia Kirk



3C - Amanda Kerr 



3D - Shae Langford-Jones 

& Tammy Rowed (student teacher)
