Secondary 7/8

7/8 A
In Term 3, we continued our flexible and remote learning program with daily online lessons via WebEx, increasing student learning and engagement. We enjoyed writing on the virtual whiteboard and working together to solve Maths problems. We investigated practical ways to use mathematics, using money and measurement. We wrote procedures and explored poetry. Wuska and Get Epic provided us with online readers and we participated in shared and guided reading activities with our teacher and classmates. It was great that we still had the opportunity to engage in practical activities with our Digital Technology and Science classes with our specialist teachers and continue to look at experiments for heating and melting in our inquiry unit.
While online learning has been loads of fun, we are looking forward to starting back at Concord School in Term 4 and moving into our new classroom in the new constructed Tech Building.
The students of 7/8B have risen to the challenge of a second spell of remote learning brilliantly. They have produced some fantastically creative work and are now looking forward to learning back at school in Term 4.
Some of the highlights of Remote Learning 2.0 include Cerona exploring measurement outside using chalk to measure how tall she is in her own feet and Matthew making delicious scones and recording the procedure in photos.
Saif created a beautiful diamante poem about his Guinea pigs which picked out the best adjectives, verbs and nouns to create a powerful image of his furry friends and Lachie included an impressive amount of detail in his writing task of unpacking a seed using pictures of the new building.
The 7/8 section have sent out flat teachers in the Flat Stanley tradition and Nathaniel sent in a very well posed picture of Flat Vageli and Flat Gary helping him finish his Lord of the Rings puzzle.
Term 3 has been another rollercoaster for 7/8C. We started our learning journey on-site and all the students were greatly enthused by our heating and melting integrated unit. The teaching team generated a huge amount of interest with science experiments in each classroom. A team including Leah, Ethan and Marie proved themselves the insulation champions by creating a vessel that kept an ice block solid for over four hours! We had just begun sinking our teeth into the unit when we were forced into remote learning yet again. We valiantly attempted to conduct experiments over Webex - including a fire that almost got out of control in Elvin’s backyard - and can’t wait to get back in the classroom when we can continue our investigations.
Students in 7/8C showed tremendous commitment to their remote learning, turning up to their daily Webexes day after day. While the format was difficult to navigate, and didn’t quite replicate face-to-face learning, students gained many skills that will hold them in good stead in the future. If only there was a “mute button” for when we are back in the classroom.
To keep things fun during remote learning students took ‘Flat Elvin’ and ‘Flat Violet’ on many adventures, including bushwalks, a Maccas run, and numerous rides on family pets. We were thrilled to travel beyond our 5 kilometre bubble, and thank the students for taking care of us and showing such wonderful hospitality.
Term 3 has seen students in 7/8 D continue to tackle the challenges faced by remote and flexible learning head on, with strength, confidence and resilience. We have enjoyed daily catch ups via Webex where the students have supported each other with their learning, showed us their favourite toys and games and shared their pets. We even had a very special visit by a couple of baby goats!
‘Flat teachers’ have been well received, with many going on adventures and some students making their own Bitmoji to share. Learning has been excellent as we continue to find creative ways to demonstrate our learning. We have explored poetry writing, instructional texts, fiction and non fiction books, money and division and length, just to name a few of our content areas.
This ride has certainly been something to remember but hopefully, we can all get back to the classroom sometime soon. Thanks again to the amazing parents, carers, family members and siblings who are working so tirelessly at home to support our students.
Stay safe everyone.
Cath and Britt.
7/8E have enjoyed remote learning a little bit but really want to get back to school. Emelia wants to get to Library Club, Aidan and Michael want to see their friends. Nikaiya has not enjoyed remote learning at all she misses Karen. Karen and Beth really want to see all the students.
During remote learning Emelia has cooked lots of delicious treats cheese and vegemite scrolls, damper, quiches, brownies. She wrote procedural texts to accompany some of her cooking. We have included her recipe for cheese and vegemite scrolls apparently, they are yummy.
Michael enjoyed the maths tasks especially the one where he had to make popcorn, which got kind of messy. It went everywhere and he had to vacuum and clean it up. The science experiments have been fun but we really want to do them again when we are back at school. Michael really wants to explode a volcano.
Aidan looked forward to 9.30am each morning when he could meet via Webex with Karen, Beth and some of his classmates. He completed all assigned tasks and his stand out work was his project titled ‘Does butter melt faster on wood, metal or plastic?’
Term 3 has been another challenging term with lots of new arrangements and topics but I’m happy to report that our students have shown great resilience to adapt and progress.
We have continued to develop our knowledge of non-fiction texts and we explored various leisure activities both on-site and at home. In Maths, we have talked about multiplication, money, shape and location and found some creative ways to demonstrate our learning. Although we can’t stay together in one place, our daily Webex meetings and ‘flat teachers’ have everyone to feel connected and supported. Hopefully, we will be back soon.
Stay safe everyone!
It’s hard to believe that Term 3 has come to an end. It has been another tricky term but I am so proud of how the students of 78G have continued to work hard to be the best they can be.
Our daily Webex chats during remote learning have been a highlight for all of us. They have given us a chance to check in, ask questions and stay positive. Our Experience Days have been altered to the home environment. Students have built campsites, created art and cooked new foods. We are all looking forward to returning next term in a new space.
Term 3 has been another challenging term with lots of new arrangements and topic but I’m happy to report that our students have shown great resilience to adapt and progress. We have continued to develop our knowledge of non-fiction texts and we explored various leisure activities both on-site and at home.
In Maths, we have talked about multiplication, money, shape and location and found some creative ways to demonstrate our learning. Although we can’t stay together in one place, our daily Webex meetings and ‘flat teachers’ have everyone to feel connected and supported. Hopefully, we will be back soon.
Stay safe everyone!