Team Leader's Message

Term 3
Thank you to everyone for what has been another challenging yet successful term for 2020. I would like to acknowledge the incredible adaptability and commitment from our Year 7/8 students and families during Remote Learning 2.0, and express how proud we are of all the achievements throughout this difficult time.
This term students have utilised a range of different learning platforms including interactive daily task boards, Google forms and surveys, instructional videos, online English and Maths programs and daily video conferencing with their teacher via WebEx. It has been a great pleasure popping into virtual classrooms with the students and teachers and witnessing the fantastic learning that has been happening in the virtual world. There is no question that this is a challenging way to teach and learn, but with each day the students have demonstrated their persistence, their ability to tackle new approaches and their self-management skills. Student achievements have been acknowledged and celebrated through the online 7-8 Learning Gallery Padlet.
Section 7-8 Assemblies, Minecraft Club, Science experiments and Experience days are a few of the highlights that I would like to acknowledge. Through these engaging activities students have been able to pursue their creativity and curiosity. Another highlight was seeing the adventures of all the Flat Teachers and Flat ES. It was great to be able to bring a bit of fun to the remote learning experience and a smile to the faces of our students.
We can’t wait to see all students back in classrooms in Term 4 and look forward to finishing the year together as a 7/8 Section.
Karlie Gooding
Team Leader