Junior School

I take this opportunity to thank all families for their contribution to a great term of teaching and learning in the Junior School, our first full term of face-to-face school this year. Perhaps because of the strange nature of this year, a few procedures and practices that contribute to the smooth running of this big machine seem to be unclear, so I’ll take the opportunity to give some reminders here.


Be assured, most families are always fully compliant with College expectations, for which I am very grateful. However, given the size of our population, even a small percentage of people bending or cherry-picking rules is very disruptive. Remember that taking a few minutes to refer to information in your son’s diary can clear up most misunderstandings of this nature.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with the following expectations. Your good modeling and care for the whole community set the example for your sons.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Between 8.00am and 4.00pm, the ONLY place to pick up and drop off is the kiss and ride zone on the western side of the College (closest to the Junior School). Please do not ever put your son in a compromising position by having him sneak over to you in an out of bounds area such as Merley Road or Shortland Avenue. Please also remember the College’s good-faith arrangement with residents is that we do not park in Hydebrae Street.

Pre-Planned Absence

For pre-planned absences of 1-2 days, you must apply in writing to me for leave ahead of time. Please send a loose hard copy note (not written in the diary) for the class teacher and me to sign. Your son needs to present this signed note to staff at Reception before he can be signed out.

Early Departure

Please organise appointments outside of school hours. When a partial absence is essential, please send a loose hard copy note (not written in the diary) for the class teacher and me to sign. Your son needs to present this signed note to staff at Reception before he can be signed out. It is not reasonable to expect staff at Reception to exempt a boy from this expectation or to organise the class teacher and me to sign a note on short notice.

Variations to Uniform

In the rare event that a student is unable to wear his normal College uniform, please inform me in writing of the reason and amount of time this arrangement is required. This includes students with injuries.

Messages and Dropping Off Equipment

It is not reasonable for our staff at Reception to pass on messages or organise dropped off equipment. Please do not make things awkward by asking them to do these things. We know that this is possible in many smaller primary schools, but in a very large community it is very disruptive and prevents important work that needs to be done for the benefit of the students.


Our rules are clear and simple! Keep it off the eyebrows, off the ears, off the collar, and be sure it is BLENDED on BOTH SIDES.

School Shoes

Plain black lace-up traditional school shoes are our only option here. Please do not purchase black leather sneaker style school shoes.


Thanks again and best wishes for a happy and blessed school holiday period.


Ben Munday

Director of Junior School