Kindergarten News

Dickens Room

It has been fantastic first week back at Kinder with our Wimbi and Marram classes! 

Our Marram class was so settled, with many moments of wonderful focus and concentration- working with the Hama beads, box construction and pallet paints were some standouts. The children have also really enjoyed spending large periods of time in the sand pit, working collaboratively to create rivers and lakes with the pipes and pond. 

On Thursday the children were really engaged in cutting and creating 'fruit salad' from herbs, lemons and flowers. This was a wonderful learning moment for many. 


Our Wimbi class was desperate to get outside, and even though both days were not the best with the weather, we did manage to get out on Friday. The children spent a large part of the day in the sand pit, digging 'dinosaur' traps, exploring the large yellow digger and communicating complex ideas between each other. 

It is incredible to see how much each child has grown and developed over the lockdown period, and we are excited to have the opportunity to reintroduce the children to working within an large class of peers and increased expectations. 


Al and Mardi

Moore Room

Yay – we are back and what a wonderful week we had! With so many disruptions this year it was fantastic to see you all and the children settled in beautifully.


We have had plenty of outdoors play with the children so engaged in the block area building houses and space ships, flying high on the swings, mark making with water and paint brushes as well as with the chalk. They have made their own obstacle courses, found plenty of bugs (we might need to make our own bug hotel) and made some impressive trenches discussing volume and depth. It has certainly contributed to their wellbeing – supporting problem solving, stretching their imaginations, creativity and promotes self-confidence, resilience and self-advocacy.


Of course we also enjoyed our indoor experiences with some great block work also occurring – making a donut shop and castles with great spatial awareness and team work. We looked at some bee hives, construction with play dough, drawing of spring blossoms and a lot of favourite construction to continue to translate their ideas into action – this is a great familiar ‘go to’ which enables a sense of confidence, belonging and opportunities to celebrate their own and others efforts and achievements.

We hope you all have a wonderful week!


Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie, Jo and Cristina