Inquiry Centre


What a fantastic start to Term 4 this has been! We loved seeing everyone displaying their love of learning throughout their last week of remote learning and we are so excited to see that continue throughout the rest of the year. 

In Literacy, we focused on inferring, looking at clues the author leaves to help readers identify the emotions characters feel. We also revisited adjectives and adverbs, and explored some amazingly awesome alliteration.

In Maths, we explored our favourite numbers, and identified various ways we can represent these numbers through the different operations and strategies we already know so much about! Additionally, we continued to build on our place value knowledge by practising our ability to rename numbers and apply our place value knowledge to make ‘more’ or ‘less’. 

In Guided Inquiry, we began to look at light and sound and enjoyed exploring what we know already and what we want to learn about our new Guided Inquiry topic! We are excited to see what else we can learn about this throughout Term 4. 

As always, thank you to all the parents and families for their ongoing support during this ever-changing time and we can’t wait to be back with our classes face to face this week!

Lucy Williams 1/2O
Sophie 1/2H
Xavier H 1/2H
Christian 1/2H
Tom Moore 1/2E
Annie 1/2E
Lucy Williams 1/2O
Sophie 1/2H
Xavier H 1/2H
Christian 1/2H
Tom Moore 1/2E
Annie 1/2E

Kind Regards, 

Emma Honan, Aidan O’Connor, Emma Marsh, Kathy Wang, Emily Glen, Emily Kiefte, Simone Rock and Erin Bennetts

Student Voice

  • Alya K - "I am excited to see my friends and teachers” 
  • Archer F - "I am most excited about seeing our friends face to face!" 
  • Jude M - "I am so excited to play sports again and seeing my friends again too!" 


  • School starts at 9.00am for Year 1/2, and students are dismissed at 3:30pm.
  • BR, E, O & W enter through double gates on Eugenia Street onto the oval and line up on the Senior basketball court. Parent or carer may enter the oval area to drop off and collect students.
  • 1/2H, 1/2P and 1/2 K students enter through Staff Car Park 1 and line up on Junior Basketball courts. Parents please wait outside the gate.
  • Please bring a water bottle to school.
  • Hats are to be worn at recess and lunch play time.

Pupil of the Week

1/2BR: Emilie L -  

For demonstrating persistence and love of learning over our second period of Remote Learning. Your positive attitude enabled you to grow and learn over the past term - well done!


1/2E: Annie - 

For showing a love of learning and perseverance when completing your renaming task. You challenged yourself to complete all levels ! Fantastic work Annie!


1/2H: Sophie A - 

For consistently challenging herself to improve her understanding and showcase her knowledge. It was wonderful to see you use your knowledge of place value when identifying numbers that were more or less. Fantastic work Sophie!


1/2K: Isla S - 

For displaying a love of learning in Maths during remote learning. You used challenged yourself to try the spicy questions on a regular basis and used various strategies to solve your mathematic problems! Keep up the fantastic work Isla!


1/2O: Lucy W -  

For clearly explaining your thinking when solving worded maths problems. It was delightful to see your working out and hear your clear explanation of how you solved the worded problems. You are fantastic! Thank you Lucy!


1/2P: Charli R - 

For demonstrating outstanding perseverance and responsibility throughout remote learning. It is great to see you using the success criteria to help you complete tasks to your personal best. Well done, Charli!


1/2W: Angad A - 

For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning through each of your tasks. It is fantastic to see you challenging yourself with medium and spicy tasks.