Leadership Centre


Selamat sore semuanya

Well, we have finally made it! We are, at long last, back on-site and in our classrooms once again! We are so excited to have all our wonderful students back and cannot wait to get back into the rhythm of our classrooms again. We have planned lots of engaging and exciting activities for students. Thank you to everyone at home for making the Remote Learning experience the best possible for your children and thank you to the students for persisting so well with all the work they were given. We are so incredibly proud of the efforts they have shown throughout the year.


Last week in Maths, students explored the topic of Data Representation and Interpretation. The activities involved a range of different sets of data where they could analyse particular parts and then interpret the meaning of the data. Students uploaded surveys for their classmates to fill out and used the data they collected. They collated it into a spreadsheet and made a visual graph to represent the results of their surveys. Students also explored the uses of stem and leaf plots to record data. Using these stem and leaf plots, they then looked at different elements of data, including the Range, Mean, Median and Mode. They also began to classify specific data sets as discrete, continuous or categorical. This allowed students to make accurate assumptions about the data sets they were analysing and even begin to work out probabilities, with which we will be learning about this week.

With our normal swimming program cancelled for the year, students undertook a range of different learning activities for their Dry Swimming Program. This program involved learning about water safety, and the dangers and risks involved with swimming both at the beach and in the pool. The slides also detailed a range of different signals and signs that are to be obeyed when visiting a beach. Students also learnt about how to signal for help and survive if they are ever stuck in a dangerous situation. Hopefully, when we can get to a beach soon, all students will know exactly how to behave around water and can educate their family and friends about being safe around water. 

An important part of this week was to look at our health and wellbeing particularly knowing that we are back in our classrooms after such a long time away. We encouraged students to acknowledge the different emotions they might feel when returning to school and how we can react and deal with situations we haven’t been in for a long time. We encourage all parents and students to check-in at home about how being back on-site for school was and ensure that we are all feeling excited and happy being back in the classroom.


If you have any questions or concerns about the transition back to onsite learning please get in contact with your classroom teacher via Sentral or phone.

Student Voice

  • Emily C - "I really enjoyed creating a Frequency graph about Pets using the data we got given." 
  • Coby V - "I loved the challenge of finding the mean, median and mode from a stem and leaf plot." 
  • Ansel A - "It was really cool looking at rainfall predictions and the amount of rainfall at 5am and 8am and comparing the results"


  • On-site learning has commenced!
  • Staggered start and end times across the school - 8.45am for Leadership Centre
  • Students need to wear hats this term.
  • Moving into The Teen Years program - payment arrangements are now available and can be made online. Outstanding permission slips also required. 
    PAYMENTS UPDATE: There is a delay on being able to make payments through Sentral and a notification will be sent once the payment can be made. Thank you for your patience. 
  • Year 6 Baby/Toddler Photos can be emailed to Mr Shaw or brought in on a USB.

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Dheer M -

For challenging himself in his maths tasks by ensuring he attempted all questions and ensured to ask questions in his teacher focused session so that he understood all the Data concepts taught. You were very keen to make sure you understood each element of your maths work. Great job Dheer.


5/6C: Xavier H -

For engaging well during math teacher focused sessions last week. You were able to problem solve and show your understanding when interpreting stem and leaf plots. Amazing effort Xav! 


5/6SB: Armaan N -

For being an engaged learning while working onsite. Well done Armaan on displaying the character strength of zest and perseverance while completing your student led tasks. Keep up the great effort!


5/6W: Simrah Z -

For demonstrating enthusiasm and dedication to submitting excellent work to Google Classroom in Week for Remote Learning and made sure to do incredibly in-depth reflections. Your data work and your questioning was to a very high standard, Simrah!