
Asthma Week 1-7 September

People with asthma have sensitive airways in their lungs which react to triggers which causes the airway muscles to squeeze tight, the airways to swell and become narrow, and mucus to build up making it hard to breathe. This is called a ‘flare up’. An asthma flare up can occur at any time without warning and can be life-threatening.


Spring is the season where the weather warms, flowers begin to bloom and there’s an overall sense of new beginning in the air. Yet we all know that 2020 has and continues to be, a big year for people with asthma. So, as we spring into the season, take time this Asthma Week to take a breather.


Taking your medication, having an asthma management plan, knowing first aid and regular check-ups with your GP are the most important steps you can take to manage your asthma.


For more information visit: 

Reference: Asthma Australia


We have had cases of chickenpox at the College. Information can be found at this link


Jenny Hill

College Nurse