From the Principal

What are you passionate about?

At a previous school I conducted an interview for a teaching position and a young graduate was clearly very nervous at the initial stage of the interview.  A panel member sensed her nervousness and asked the question:


What are you passionate about?


The prospective teacher smiled and responded:

‘I love to dance. I dance for my own enjoyment and I love to teach others. I would hope to bring that same passion into learning for students.’ She warmed to the interview and got the job.


During the week, I joined two other Principals in speaking to Masters’ of Teaching students from Notre Dame University. Passion for the role was a recurring theme in our Zoom discussion as we attempted to guide the prospective teachers in the early stage of their careers.


Recently the world mourned the loss of a very prominent educator, Sir Ken Robinson. He often encouraged schools and education systems to look beyond the traditional measures and approaches to learning. His TED talk on creativity, was my introduction to that medium and it remains the most watched TED presentation. Sir Ken talked about creativity in schools as being as important as literacy and numeracy. He also encouraged students and teachers to take risks to enhance their knowledge and skills. ‘If you’re not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original’ was one of his mantras.


Our message to the prospective teachers was just as applicable to students at our College. When passion and abilities intersect there is an opportunity to flourish. It is one of the reasons why our College has always had a wonderful tradition with the Arts. Our Music, Drama and Art courses are very popular with our students and led by passionate educators.


The year 2020 has enabled prayer and contemplation. It has also encouraged the development of new interests and passions to add meaning and purpose to our lives. At the College, we are constantly looking for ways for our young people to flourish.


Robert Henderson
