Sports Report

Athletics Carnival Results
Overall House Results
- Aston
- Freeman
- Monash
- Derrimut
Individual Age Group Champions
13F – Addison Paulke
13M – Jackson Knowles
14F – Sarah Littler
14M – Gus Kennedy
15F – Kiara Clark
15M – Martin Ling
16F – Heidi Chalmers
16M – Eric Mahoney
17F – Kelsey Hughes
17M – Jet Di Santo
20F – Claire Boyle
20M – Luke Hill
Term 3 Inter-School Sport
In Term 3 Patterson River Secondary College competed in the Northern Peninsula Division in Basketball, Hockey, Table Tennis and Futsal. We had many teams competing across all year levels. Well done to all of the students who represented the school and a massive thank you to the teachers who gave up their time to train and coach these teams in what was a busy term.
The intermediate boys Table Tennis team won the NPD title and will play again in Term 4. Congratulations to Cadel Williams, Martin Ling, Tom Murphy and Josh Peterson, and good luck in the next round.
A special mention must again go the to the Year 8 Boys AFL team coached by Mr McCall and Mr Hayes. They made the Grand Final at the SMR Championships, eventually falling short to Parkdale. Well done to this great team!
Intermediate Girls Hockey
On Wednesday 31st August, the Patterson River intermediate girls team competed in the Northern Peninsula District Hockey Competition at Monash University Campus in Frankston. The girls won their first game against EMC 1-0 and lost to Frankston Secondary College 0-2. Patterson River improved steadily over the day and finished second overall. The girls were a pleasure to coach.
Year 7 Table Tennis
The Year 7 Table Tennis teams traveled to the Yu Lin Badminton Center to endure their first interschool sports Table Tennis competition. Both teams did very well. The boys won 3 of their 5 matches, and the girls won 2 of their 4 matches. Everyone demonstrated the college values as well as great determination and sportsmanship on the day. A big shout out to Parker as he won all of his singles matches with a great attitude and sportsmanship, all of the students helped their team to do the best they could and strived to be the best. Congratulations Year 7’s on a great day.
Shannon Dudley-Maude, Cadel Williams and Martin Ling (Year 10 Excel Sport)