Junior School News

Year 7 Connections Day
Term 3 has been exciting and busy in Year 7, starting off with all of the year 7 students participating in our College Connections day planned by our wonderful student leaders.
On Wednesday 13th July, all year 7s came together for our Connections Day.
In the morning session we participated in activities with the wellbeing team. The classes were split up in 3 different groups. Class A, B and C together. Then D, E, F together and finally G,H, and I. The first activity was the POOCH problem solving, which stands for: Problem, Options, Outcomes, Choice and how did you go. The 2nd activity was the Characteristics we had a look at the 24 different character strengths and chose what we thought was not like us and it like us.
The last activity was looking for coping strategies for when we are going through a hard time or something else. After snack we went into the PAC and met some people from Project Rocket. They spoke to us about bullying and how to prevent it and to stand up for anyone, standing and watching also creates the problem. After the yummy sausage sizzle lunch, we participated in Team building challenges, we were split up in many groups and participated in different activities such as: trivia, keep the balloon off the floor, team pool noodle and a few more. It was a fun day and a really great opportunity to get to know people in our year that we haven’t spoken to before.
Skyla Sellars 7A
On behalf of year 7, we would like to thank the Wellbeing Team for their hard work in putting the morning session together and all of the staff supporting in the afternoon!
Year 9 Learning 4 Life
The Year 9 students have had a fantastic term where they have explored their future career choices. Students looked at their dream jobs and the pathway they needed to follow to get there, developed resumes and cover letters and applied for jobs, researched their dream houses and cars and practiced a budget that was based on a predicted salary.
Students presented their career vision boards to the class where they practiced their new audience engagement techniques.
We then studied the movie Rabbit Proof Fence which supported the unit we learnt in Term 2 about Indigenous Australians. Students learnt the horrible stories regarding the Stolen Generation and the journey the three girls made trying to get home. Students wrote a text response essay exploring qualities of freedom, culture, identity, family and courage in the film.
Throughout the term we also studied the Health topics of Alcohol, Vaping and Body Image.
We would like to commend the Year 9 Learning for Life students on their first full Term 3 since 2019. We are looking forward to seeing what you can achieve in Term 4 and excited to see you present your learnings in the end of year portfolio presentations.
Congratulations to all of our Year 7 students for completing their third term at secondary school! A big pat on the back – this is the longest this group of students have been at school since Year 4.
Throughout this term we have really seen our students settled and feeling comfortable in what is now the new normal. Locker codes are not forgotten and pulling on the school uniform is second nature. What we are proud of, is how adaptable students have demonstrated they are. Let’s take a look at our values and how Year 7 have demonstrated their understanding of them during term 3. Overall, Year 7 students have received a staggering 515 positive values recognitions from their teachers. WOW!
During Term 3 the area of PERSISTENCE has really morphed into being more learning focused. We no longer need to be persistent in learning locker codes and our way around the school – we have got that! We have seen our students participate in educational opportunities like the High Ability Program and submit high quality CAT’s in all subjects. Recognitions = 153 | “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence” (Vince Lombardi) Students this term have proven an ability to work to their personal best and encourage those around them to do the same.
Recognitions = 118 |
Our sense of COMMUNITY has really grown this term. Students participating in the SWPB competition to finish the term demonstrated how coming together and working as a group has really been of benefit to the community as a whole. Congratulations to 7C who smashed it!
Recognitions = 123 | Every single day I see our students demonstrating this value. For students that clean up locker bays, push their chairs in at the end of the day, greet their teachers and wear our uniform with pride – we see you. You are valued as a respectful member of our school. Recognitions = 121 |
Year 7 Quiet Spaces
We know that sometimes we need a break. It might be to finish a task in silence, have a breather or take some quiet thinking time. This term, we created some spaces for students to use that are friendly and inviting and allow students to re-set and be ready to learn.
Year 8 Review
On Monday 8th August Year 8 students and staff celebrated the move to our new Year 8 Centre. For those of you familiar with the layout of our college, the old technology rooms have been converted into amazing new learning spaces. With 8 pristine classrooms, a large communal space and a beautifully treed courtyard we are definitely feeling very comfortable in our new area.
Our ‘moving day’ involved a terrific celebration in the year 8 courtyard area with everybody enjoying a hot dog lunch. Thank you to the hard work of Miss Wain and some excellent year 8 cooks there were also lovely personalised cupcakes for all to enjoy. Then it was into our new classrooms to work on class projects to start getting some art work up on our barren walls.
Now that we are well settled into the area we can definitely see the benefit of having all of our classes in the one area. This is definitely helping to create positive working relationships with our Year 8 teachers and students. It is lovely to be able to easily visit classrooms and check in on how well everyone’s work is going.
As we are now at the end of the term I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate all of our year 8 students for an incredibly successful term. Since the beginning of Term 3 we have had 835 Positive Behaviour Recognitions for our year 8 students.
This is outstanding and indicative of the wonderful cohort of students that we are working with.
On a final note, please be aware that coming up in Week 2 of next term we have two exciting events planned for our year 8s. Firstly, Jane Godwin, the author of Falling from Grace will be visiting to talk to the students about the novel and what has inspired the characters and story. And secondly, we will be visiting Point Nepean National Park, the setting for the novel. Please visit Compass to provide consent and payment for the event.
To all of our year 8s, enjoy your well earned break.
Ms Kloas, Mr Cashmore and Mrs Ferguson
EXCEL Academic Social Innovators Challenge
Selected students from the Academic EXCEL Program visited the Melbourne Museum to participate in the Crazy Ideas College (CIC) Social Innovators Challenge. They were mentored by project managers from Winslow Infrastructure on further investigating ideas that the students would like to bring to life. At the end of the day, students presented to a variety of industry leaders that included CEOs, AFL coaches, Financial Managers and Entrepreneurs. This was an amazing experience for the students and they received really positive feedback on their designs and ideas. There is already a day planned in Term 4 for the students to continue working on their ideas with Winslow Infrastructure.
Year 9 - Volunteering in the Community
The Year 9 CLP have been working with the Frankston Council Foreshore Rangers to assist them with revegetation the Keast Park sand dunes. They planted over 600 native grasses and shrubs in one session and have a second session coming up. A great display of community, one of our core values.
Ms Kristy Ackland
Year 7 Program Leader