News & Notices

Lake Keepit Online Medical Information & Consent due
Dear Parents and Carers of Stage 2 students,
If you have not yet completed your child's Medical Information and Consent form via the Office of Sport website, could you please do so as soon as possible via a
If you have any questions or have any issues accessing the above link, please do not hesitate to contact the school office or email
Thank you very much for your assistance.
School Production consent & payment due
Dear Parents and Carers,
In preparation for our upcoming musical, students will be travelling via bus on Thursday 17 and Friday 25 November to the Narrabri Crossing Theatre.
Please note that as with previous years, a fee of $10 per student is requested for costuming and makeup.
As always, an event like this cannot be run successfully without the assistance of helpers. If you are able to volunteer to help out on the night with makeup and costuming (which would be greatly appreciated!), please complete the following 2022 School Production Volunteer form via
If you are able to attend, tickets are available to purchase via for $10 per person until Thursday 10 November. We request that this is organised as soon as possible so that we can inform the Crossing Theatre of the correct number of attendees for seating etc.
Please note that students do not require a ticket.
For further information, access the Events page via your child’s profile on the Compass app, or, alternatively, go to
ADPSC Gala Day nominations open
Dear Parents and Carers of Years 3 - 6 students,
This is just a reminder that the nominations for the upcoming ADPSC Gala Day, to be held on Friday 4 November in Tamworth, have re-opened.
If you would like to nominate your child to participate in either Netball or Soccer, please provide consent via the event in Compass by next Thursday 27 October. Please note that if you have already nominated your child for Netball, and they were confirmed to attend, you will not need to do this again. Any cancellations will need to be re-submitted, as well as any previous soccer nominations. However, if your child is already nominated but will not be attending, please contact the school office as soon as possible.
For further information, and to check your child's current attendance/status, access the Events page via your child’s profile on the Compass app, or, alternatively, go to
Please note that in the instance that we do not have enough numbers for teams, your nomination fee will be refunded via Compass.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email
Kind Regards,
Lucy Suttor
Sports Coordinator
ADPSC Touch Football trials nominations open
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 5 students,
Students who are of a ‘proficient’ level are invited to nominate their interest to attend the ADPSC Touch Football Trials on Friday 11 November in Tamworth.
For further information, and to opt-in for this event, access the Events page via your child’s profile on the Compass app, or, alternatively, go to by Thursday 3 November.
If your child is selected to attend, we will notify you via Compass or phone call/SMS.
Kind Regards,
Lucy Suttor
Sports Coordinator
ADPSC Cricket, Basketball & Tennis trials nominations open
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 5 students,
Students who are of a ‘proficient’ level are invited to nominate their interest to attend the ADPSC Basketball, Cricket and Tennis Trials on Friday 2 December in Tamworth.
For further information, and to opt-in for this event, access the Events page via your child’s profile on the Compass app, or, alternatively, go to by Monday 21 November.
If your child is selected to attend, we will notify you via Compass or phone call/SMS.
Kind Regards,
Lucy Suttor
Sports Coordinator
Graduation Dinner
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 6 students,
This is just a reminder that the Graduation Dinner will be held at 6 pm on Monday 5 December at the Wee Waa Golf Club.
Please see Compass for further information.
All Canteen orders are to be placed via the Compass app each Wednesday by 9:00 am.
The Morning Tea & Lunch Canteen Menu is available to view and order via Compass. Please find both Mobile & PC Instructions attached.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
This is just a reminder that, wherever possible, all volunteers must have a current Working With Children’s Check.
What will I need?
- personal details, including date and place of birth
- your original proof of identity documentation.
How do I apply?
- Visit the Service NSW website
- Select the 'Apply online' button.
- Select 'Apply for your Check'.
- Select 'Continue and apply'.
- Complete the online form, ensuring the name you enter matches your identity documents exactly.
- Visit a service centre to present your original identity documents.
What will it cost?
Applying for a Volunteer WWCC is FREE.
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office.
St Joseph's Primary