Respectful, Responsible, Successful

Year 12
The Higher School Certificate written exams started on 12 October with students completing English Paper 1. The exams will end on 4 November, with students set to receive their results and ATARs on 15 December 2022.
A reminder that the Illness/Misadventure program is in place to assist students who are prevented from attending an exam due to unforeseen situations such as illness or misadventure. It also supports students who consider that their performance in an exam has been affected due to illness or misadventure immediately before or during the exam. Year 12 teachers, Year Advisers and myself are available for support throughout the exam period. Please contact the school on 02 9822 1430 or send us an email. Additionally, for tips and advice on staying healthy throughout the exam period, visit the Stay Healthy HSC Hub.
I'd like to wish all our students the best for the rest of the exam period.
Year 9 Careers
Mr Chambour from the Careers Team have been working with Year 9 students to help prepare them for employment and the future. The 'Give Me 5' series covers topics such as CV writing, Entering the World of Work, Understanding Tax, Applying for Jobs and Preparing for Interviews to help students begin their career journeys.
We also had Year 9 students take part in the Western Sydney University 'Boot Camp Challenge' as part of the Fast Forward Program. They competed against Fairvale High School and Prairiewood High School in challenges involving teamwork, collaboration, innovation and critical thinking. Congratulations to the Cecil Hills High School students who won the challenge on 411 points!
Adia Sahid
Relieving Deputy Principal
Year 9 and Year 12