Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.


Week 1


For being a collaborative learner who took upon leading her group to retell the story ‘Frog Finds a Place’ during reading. Ila has displayed fantastic leadership skills in the way that she encouraged her peers to do their best with enthusiasm and positivity! Well done Ila! 


For being a reflective learner who continues to work hard at managing his own emotions and reactions to situations.  Nash has achieved his goals and is making good choices for his learning.  Well done Nash, you are a great leader. 


For being a motivated learner who is always ready to learn. She sets up her learning space efficiently and encourages others to do the same. Edna now remains on task without needing reminders and tries her best to produce work to a very high standard. Well done Edna. 


For being a motivated learner who was focused and attentive during independent learning time. He listened carefully to instructions and limited distractions around him so that he was successful in his learning. Brandon is not afraid to ask for help and we are very proud of how mature he has become. Keep up that great attitude to learning Brandon! 


For being a resilient learner who has already made some wonderful friends at SMDP. She has got involved in all activities and showed confidence in her learning. 


For being a collaborative learner who is working well with others, listening more effectively to friends and treating peers with respect. Keep up the good work, Fabian!


For being a collaborative learner who always works well with others, listens to their point of view and treats people with respect. Your determination to grow as a learner is reflected in all that you do! Well done Mary! 


For being a motivated learner who has started term 4 engaged and focused. Divyam invests time and effort into his learning and perseveres on difficult tasks. 


For being a motivated learner in reading. Well done at starting the term focused and ready to learn. You displayed you were able to identify key language and  summarise your selected article. Well done on your hard work, keep it up. 


For being a reflective and collaborative learner in our Language Orientation lesson this week. You considered carefully what would be the correct choice for each word and provided clearly considered reasoning for your choice. You took part in thought provoking discussions with your peers,  where you listened to their point of view and respectfully disagreed when appropriate. Keep up this thoughtful and respectful approach to learning Aryan!

Week 2



For being a collaborative learner who has been interacting like a leader with her peers in the classroom and on the yard! Audrey has been actively problem solving when playing and including others, such as in reading groups. This is a fantastic quality that she has developed in Prep. Congratulations Audrey you should be so proud of yourself! 



For being a creative learner.  Jasper is showing his understanding of numbers in well organised, easy to count ways that go beyond expectation.  He is also trying hard in literacy to create original interesting ideas during grammar in context.  Well done Jasper.



For being a motivated learner who has come into Term 4 with a positive can-do attitude. Jett always remains focused and determined to complete tasks to the best of his ability and because of this, his Writing and Reading has jumped up many levels!You should be very proud of the progress you have made this year Jett! All your hard work has paid off! Well done 



For being a collaborative learner who leads group tasks by listening to others, sharing his ideas and being respectful. He never hesitates to help and support those around him, including his teacher. His positive attitude is infectious to those around him. Well done Hartej on a great start to Term 4. 



For being a curious learner. We appreciate your thoughtful contributions to class discussions. You think deeply about different topics and share your insights with teachers and peers. You really take our topics to the next level, keep up the great work! 



For being a motivated learner who always completes tasks with passion and a positive attitude, always eager to complete them to the best of his ability.



For being a motivated learner when completing our explanation writing learning quest. You have worked independently and efficiently on all of the learning tasks. Great work Areeb!



For being a collaborative learner who works well with others and contributes fairly. When working in small groups, Anisha listens to group members and works hard to achieve shared learning goals.  














For being a motivated learner. Well done at writing your tasks down in dot points in your book so that you know your next steps, it shows you are becoming an independent learner and creating effective learning skills for high school next year. Well done Tahlia!!!.

For being a reflective learner in your reading task. You have shown that you are able to summarise a documentary clip on ‘Giant Earth Worms’ with detail and reflect on your writing to ensure you have included important information. Well done Aluel!! 



For being a motivated and reflective learner in Reading this week. You completed all Literacy Grid tasks to a high standard, using feedback to uplevel your work and providing helpful feedback to your peers. You consistently display these positive learning dispositions, setting a great example for your peers, keep up the great work Daksh!



For being a motivated learner, who has truly established himself as independent in his ability to remain on task, complete work to a high standard and in a timely manner. Marcell, this year you have been on an incredible journey as a learner and you should be so proud of the quality of work you are producing, especially in Inquiry and Writing. Keep up the fantastic job!

Week 1
Week 2
Week 1
Week 2